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Kotobuki Mitsuru (BFF to Akane) |
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Hara Akane (Daughter to Toshimara) |
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Kitade Azusa. (Kaito's new grilfriend) |
Age: 18
Summary: Her mom was Toshiya's long lost cousin. And one day Akane's Mother died unexpectedly in a car accident when Akane was 13 years old. Because Akane's mom had no siblings the social contacted the family from her mom's side. Toshiya was on the list and he warmly welcomed his long lost niece. From then untill now 5 year's had passed and Akane is now a third year student in Sakurai high school. Despite the fact that she is popular and she has a very nice foster-father she can tell everything to him. But she never really understood her emotions to one of his Foster-father's bandmate...
10 AM
" Wake up dear! Wake up!!" Toshiya shaked his daugther to wake up.
"mmm!" His daugther mumbled out.
"Can't I sleep a little longer?" She said to her dad with closed eyes.
"Haha! *Her dad laughed at his daughter* No you can't..." Akane look at him confused. Then Answered back.
"Why? Are something going to happend?" She thought that she forget something. Then Toshiya giggles and stroked her hair.
" You said to me yesterday that you were going to a photoshot with some classmates. So wake up!" Some few second of silcens Akane said in a loud voice.
"Yes of course i forgot!" Then she saw the clock and it was already 10 o'clock. She sighed then said "Not now..." She looked tired at her dad.
"Eh? What? But you told me that i should wake you up 10 o'clock. Right?" Toshiya looked sideways at Akane.
"No dad... You're getting old! I said "Wake me up ten past eleven!"..." Akane said sitting up on her bed.
"Eh?! I'm definitley not old! I'm only 35!" Toshiya said and messed with his daughter's hair.
"Stop it dad! And your not ONLY BUT your ALREADY 35 years old!" Akane said pouting at her dad.
"Haha! Kay dear... Well it's time for me to go now!" He said while smiling at her. She looked at him sadly then said
"Can't you be here untill i fall asleep again?" She said while Toshiya got up, she grabbed a part of Toshiyas long shirt.
"Can't you?" Akane said looking cute
"Dear not today..." Toshiya said with a sad tone in his voice then look at the clock and smiled
"You got 30 min to fall asleep again!" He said and sat down on Akane's bed. Akane got confused and asked
"Why only 30 minutes? Didn't i say ten past eleven?" Akane slowly putted her head on Toshiya's Lap.
"Because my band mates is coming here soon or well in 30 minutes!" He smiled gently at her. Akane stared at him a long time with her mouth made an 'o' Then she asked Toshiya if Shinya are coming too. Toshiya looked confused at her and said
" Yes of course Shinya is coming. He's one of my bandmates... Why?" He said.
"No nothing... Dad you can go now, I'm fine by myself!" Akane said smiling at her dad who stood up and moved his way to the door.
"Yes my dear. I'm in the kitchen if you want me" he said leaving her alone. She looked at the window and let out an heavy sigh.
" No... No... Not him again... Thinking of what happend last week... No... I don't want to meet him... I'm not ready... Not now..."
Flashback: A Week ago
*Resident of Hara*
"Hey! Aka-kun! How's school?" Kyo Asked Akane with a smile.
"Ahh! It's going good! Everything is just as how it's supposed to be!" Akane said smiling back.
Shinya then came with Toshiya. Then he saw that Akane looked at him. But he pretended that he didn't see that she was looking at him. But when Akane came closer to him, he blushed.
"Is there someting wrong Terachi-san?" Akane asked careful. Shinya blushed even harder when Akane came closer to him. Then he shoked his head so his hair cover his red face and said.
"I'm fine. thanks for asking..." Then it got quite again, so Akane brook up the silence with.
"Dad i most go now! Well catch ya later!" She hugged her dad and then bid good bye to everyone else.
She walked into the toilet and changed her clothes to a photoshop session with her friend from school.
Then the bells on the front door ran,g she ran out like crazy and then hugs her friend.
"Akane-senpai! Are you ready for todays photoshot?" Mitsuru said to Akane with a big smile on her face.
"Well I'm ready for everything!" Akane said with much self-confidens.
"Even if your ex... Is there?" Mitsuru said a bit shaking but Akane just took it and said.
"Well what are he going to do?" Akane said while laughing about the face Mitsuru made.
"He is the camera man for today and... Well his new girlfriend is there to..." Mitsuru said while looking down waiting for Akane to get mad or say no i don't want to go. But nothing... Akane just smirked
"Can I Take someone with me for today's photoshot?" Akane asked calmly
"yes of course you can... but who?" Mitsuru asked a bit shoked but mostly confused.
"You will see." Akane said with a grin.
"Dad! Can Shinya-san come with me to my photoshot?" Akane said in loud voice to her dad. Shinya became red like a rose then Toshiya said
"For me he can but you most ask him not me"
"Do you want?" Akane asked Shinya. He looked at Akane with questioning eyes.
" I wanted someone who is used to be infront of the camera." Akane said
"Why not me? I'm the vocalist i'm more used then anybody here, you know Aka-kun!" Kyo said pinching her cheeks.
"I would if you just woulnd't look like you could kill somebody. You'd scare the shit out of everyone Kyo-chan!" Akane said pouting
*At the roof top in a school*
"Well, Well who is that? Isn't that my old lovely girlfriend Akane-chan?" Kaito said with a grin on his face."Yepp! I'm Akane, your old Girlfriend! It's a pleasure to see you again!" Akane said holding Shinya's Hand, then leaned in to kiss his cheek. Shinya's body tensed up and he looked at her confused.
"Shinya! I'm Sorry! I Forgot that you are to shy to show everyone that we are in engaged with each other!" Shinya looked confused at Akane. Then Akane just Kissed his neck while she said in a quite vocie
"Just play along with me for now! Please?" Shinya nod then take his left arm around Akane's waist, then looked down and took a piece of her hair, playing with it and said
"Darling! You know I'm shy! Why do you always need to tell everyone? In the most inappropiated way to!" He said then hugged Akane, whispered in her ear once again
"Did i play good?"
"yes you did" Akane said while smiling.
"Okay! Everyone!! Are we going to talk or do pohtoshot?" Mitsuru said with a big smile to break the ice, a voice then said.
"Your Kawaii! But not as much as me!" A woman said behind Mitsuru. Mitsuru got shock because she didn't know who it was or why this woman is here with them. The woman laughed loud then said
"I'm Kitade Asusa! Nice to meet all of you guys! Oh! And I'm Kaito's girlfriend!" She said walking forward to Kaito. Asusa saw Shinya and her mouth made an 'o'
"Isn't that Shinya from Dir en grey?" She looked curious at him. Akane get a bit mad then just said
"Yepp! It's Shinya From Dir en Grey! And my Boyfriend! We are in engaged with each other and are going to marry each other when i have graduated" She said waiting for Asusa to get shocked but Asusa said smiling
"Woow!! That's Cool!! Well I Hope you two Have a great life togheter untill the world take you two apart from each other! And get a lots of childs! And Take cae of your health!" Akane smiled sweet and said
"Thank you! Even I've got to know you in about five minute,but i can feel that you're a great person! But Badly get someone that doesn't deserv you!" She looked at Kaito. Kaito glares at Akane then screamed
"What's That supposed to mean?!?"
"You haven't change at all! You scream when someone doesn't do like you want! Always like that! You doesn't deserv a cute person like her! You don't deserv someone at all!" Akane Screamed at him. Everyone didn't say something at all, Then Akane did somthing that no one would really think she will do! She kisseed Shinya on his lips romanticly then said
"Lets go home Shinya!" She dragged shinya down the staris in the empty school. Then said
"I'm sorry Shinya I-I-I just!!" She ran away from the school. Shinya ran after her but didn't find her. Hours go and he finally found her! She sat on a park bench crying. Shinya ran to her then said
"I'm sorry! Let's go home!" He said
"Why are you apologizing for? You did nothing wrong.... I'm the one at fault... I screwd up. I should have known better than having that kind of outburst of anger." Akane said looking at Shinya.
"So having you apologizing to me feels weird. I'm sorry for dragging you into my stupid problem!" Akane said and bowed. Wishing he'd forgive her and forget everything about today.
Shinya smiled and picked Akane up on his back. She didn't say anything and just let him carry her home.They just walked home in silence. When they were at the front door to Akane's house she kissed Shinya again but not on his lips. Just a little kiss on his cheek.
"Thanks for today helping me! and i'm sorry for kissing you twice or did i kiss you 3 times today?" Akane said while blushing. Shinya didn't say anything. He just grabbed Akanes' shoulders then kissed her lips loveful. Akane just get shocked then Shinya just ran out of there.
"Akane-Chan Why are you standing there out?" Toshiya said to Akane when he came out to her. After hearing voices speaking.
"Nothing dad... I just came home."
"oh... And where is Shinya? Don't say that he let you come home by yourself?!" Toshiya said worried.
"no dad... He just left actually..."
"Oh... Is that so? Well... Good! Why don't you come in? You must be freezing in that short skirt!" Toshiya said opening the door wider to let Akane in
*Okay engouh about replay everything back to present*
Well Like it?
Update: Hi! I'm sorry that this fanfic isn't so good! I've never been abel to finish any stories! but hopefully now with alot of time in my hands, I'll be able to actually finnish this shit off! XD and actually improve the story! So please tell me what you think of this improved version!
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Hara Toshimasa (Dad) |
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Terachi Shinya (Fake boyfriend) |
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Arisawa Kaito (Ex-boyfriend) |
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