Shou just came in to the little room and saw the unknown girl pointed at her and yelled out. "You! What's your name? Tell me! I haven't forget you yet! So pleas tell me! How can you know me this good?"
The unknown girl or yuri that is her nickname laughed and said "If you already forget me then you're so BAKA!"
Nao came out from restroom and looked like he was really angry at someone... "Shou! Nao! Hiroto!... I Gonna tell ya everyone's past!... So listen!" Yuri said cold.
"Akane's past:
Well... When she was 5 she lost her dad... He died because of an heartattack... And 3 year's ago she lost her mom too... In an car accident...
A Car came from nowhere and crocked into Akane's mom's car... No one in the both car did survive... No one but... Me... I was in Akane's mom car... We were going to suprise Akane on her birthday... With a lot of stuff... And the car came from nowhere... like i said no one did survive... Even me..." Yuri looked said... Then Hiroto said "How could you say that even you didn't survive when you are telling us this?"
"I lost my mind... They said that i don't want to remember... so for now... I just want to be unknown... But some pecies of my memorie have come back... and i didn't speak for a while when i was awake in the hospital... I've just heard how i am... They said that my name was... Akira... Matsumoto Akira... They said that i'm 23... but i feel like im 14..." Yuri get quite... then said "Move to next person!...."
"Hauko's and Mitsuru's past:
When Mitsuru where born... Her Mom and Dad was still togheter happy... Haruko got really happy when Mitsuru where born... And gave her the name Mitsuru... Because she said she know that Mitsuru will growing up fast... And will understand everything... And When Mitsuru was 5 Haruko was 15... Her dad get drunk and beat up her mom and Haruko... Mitsuru was in the wardrobe saw everything... but couldn't do anything... Her dad leave the home... and never came back... That's why Mitsuru don't really trust boy... And Haruko most take care of Mitsuru and her mom... Haruko thought that she got to graudnation university... and get a really good job... but her mom died when Haruko was 20... and Mitsuru was just 10... They live in a little flat near Shinjuku... For now... Mitsuru and Haruko do the same thing... Mitsuru go to school and working part time in a super market... Haruko work part time at an resturang and a clothes store... and are study to be a doctor... " Akira said looking at Mitsuru... "And when i first got to know Haruko and Mitsuru was when Haruko was senpai at my school... I always follow her.. and have fun... when she know that she got an little sister she said to me "I've got an sister her name is Mitsuru! Doesn't you think she is cute?" and yes... I always think she is cute...and the day after her dad beat her mom and sister... Haruko ask me if i could take care of her... I sadi yes and Mitsuru... When she came to me she said "I Don't like boy's..." and she looked at my brother..." Akira said... "Wait! Akira?! Matsumoto? Matsumoto Akira? Matsumoto Takanori?! You're Ruki's little sister?!" Nao, Hiroto and Shou said... "No... I'm just there foster daughter... Not real..." Akira said cold...
"I said that "I will always protect you my princess... untill... the world end's... untill you have fine the one for you... and only you..." andi kissed her hand like you saw Hiroto... Well... That's all about everyone's old past..." Akira said looking at Mitsuru again and took Mitsuru's hand in her hand and closed her eye's...
A tear falled down from Akira's eye... Nao went to Akira wiped her tears away and let her cry into his lap... It was quite... everything just stoped... It feelt liike the time is stop going... They could just hear Akira crying into Nao's lap... but nothing more...
With Die and Haruko:
"I'm a loser Die! I'm sorry! I don't know what to do anymore!" Haurko cried into Die's warm lap...
Die and Haruko would make a good couple... Everyone... Even Alice Nine... But not Shou... They got to know each other on a super market... They talked and talked... Both falled in love with each other... But then Dir en grey where going on a tour for a long time so they couldn't meet... but when they got to meet each other once again... Both love each other just like brother that take care of his little sister... But...
My dad is a superstar (Toshiya from Dir en grey) - Invinsible tears (6)
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Kotobuki Mitsuru |
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Kazamasa Kohara |
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Ogata Hiroto |
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Kotobuki Haruko |
Then Haruko just got her knocked down by her own tears, her tears keep falling like it will never end... Everyone thought that see will never stop cry... but then Toshiya and Die came in to the hospital and saw Haruko cry like she never would stop crying! "Oh! Haru! What happend? Don't say that Kaito or Mitsuru are-" Toshiya ran in and asked when Die stoped him and said instead... "You okay? You know you can tell me everything for me... Don't you? I've promised you for long time ago that i'll protect you from everything that make's you cry... And i'll keep my promise untill you don't want me to..." Haruko looked up from her hands and hugged Die crying like a little girl that have got her dreams destroyed with one personens word's... Shou sighed and said " I'm going to Mitsuru..." then he just go cold to the lift and got into the lift and pressed the button plan 7.
In The Lift:
"How can i still say i love Haruko when i can't even protect her?! And What have Die and Haruko got for a kind of reletionship? Do they love each other? or what?! Oh! my dear god! How am i suppost to do next?... I Feel so hopless! Hmm... Maybe now i just gonna move on?" Shou said crying to the lift wall, then the lift stoped at plan 5 Shou looked up to who it was that came in... A Girl not cute but not hot either... She didn't look cute or hot like a boy or girl... Shou didn't find word to tell what he think about this girl... But she is kind strange! She moves slowly but it seems like she is not going but flying... And her aura was... Shou didn't know what to say but in the silents she reached her hand to the button then said "Oh... So you're going to plan 7? Shou? or do you like when someone say your real name? Kazamasa Kohara-san?" The Unknown girl said while looking sideways at Shou.
"Oh! You know me? Oh! Em... You can just call me Shou" Shou said looking confused then realise that he still got tears in he's eyes and didn't want someone to see him cry, he was nearly to wipe away all the tears in his eye's... but she stoped him by grabbing his hand and said "Sometimes it's okay to cry out. Woman, Men, Kidd, Adult no matter what you are you're still a human! So it's okay to cry... I dunno what have happend to you... But even you don't want someone to see you cry... But sometimes it's good to have someone to fell back on..." The unknown girl sounded really cold but deeper in her voice was warming... it was kind of a warm feeling she got in her voice... Even she don't know him in real life and he don't even know her at all!
"Shou... It's plan 7 now... You gonna go?" unknown girl said but didn't wait for an answer but just get of the lift and said while she talked with out to face Shou "Don't think any stupid if you think that a girl doesn't love you... But if you make a move for now... Maybe you'll know something you never though about! Good luck!" then she just go to the halfway Shou Screamed after her "Hey! What's your name?" she stoped and turnd around to face Shou and said "I'll Tell you when we meet once again, but for now i still want to be unknown!" with a grin on her face she laughed about the face Shou make when she said she still want to be unknown. "And when will we meet again?" Shou said waiting for an answer from the girl that still want to be unknown. "In the near future Shou! Not to long so i think you haven't forget me in the time we meet next time!" She said and go into a room.
With Hiroto:
"Oh! Will she be okay?! My Dear Misa-chan!" Hiroto said with tears in his eye's, Mitsuru have fallen asleep when Hiroto came, no one was in the room so Hiroto talked to himself.
"Yeah she will but i think she got to rest now..." The unknown girl that Shou talked with came in to the whiteroom and asked "Where is Haruko, Asusa and Akane?" she looked confused because she didn't know that Hiroto would cry. "Oh! You're Mitsuru's friend that got the nickname 'Yuri'? They are with Kaito for now but they will be back..." Hiroto said looking back to Mitsuru that seems to not want to wake up anymore... The girl that named Yuri sat down on Mitsuru's right side took Mitsuru's hand kissed it then said "องค์หญิงของข้าน้อย ข้ามาแล้ว" which meaning english from thai "My princess i've come here now"
Hiroto looked confused at Yuri and ask "What kind of relathinship do you two have? and what did you say?" Yuri just laugh and said "She is my princess, I'll protect her untill her real prince will come to her... But! As long as she don't fall in love i am still gonna protect her!" Yuri looked seriously so it wasn't a joke.
Then Shou just came in to the little room and saw the unknown girl pointed at her and yelled out...
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The Unknown Girl (Yuri) |
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Kitade Asusa |
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Hara Akane |
My dad is a superstar (Toshiya from Dir en grey) - A Cover band? (5)
MitruRuHaru was the band name! The band name came from all the members!
Mitsu on drumms, Ru on bass and Haru on vocal!... But they still haven't find a guitar player!
"Eh?!... Arigatoo i think... Oh! Tora! This is what you want me to get for you when i was in Osaka, right?" Haruko said while looking in her bag after the little black box. Everyone looked curious on what Haruko took out of her bag... Saga almost screamed out "Wait?! Tora! Are you going to marry someone?! Are you going to marry Haruko-chan?!? You make her pregnent?!? So you gotta marry her?! Oww!! Tora! How dare you even to touch my little angel?!" Shou just stared at Haruko that was giggle about what Saga said.
"Then How dare you think that i gonna make Haruko pregnent? She just do a favor to me. Doesn't you dear?" Tora said annoying on Saga and go to Haruko and take his arm aroung her waist. Shou get mad and just ran out the hospital without saying a word...
~ ** ~ In Shou's mind:
How dare Tora touch Haruko like that?! Everyone knows that i Love Haruko! But they still pretending not to even care about how i gonna feel!
Oh! If i just get a chance to say what i feel for her! What a loser i am! "You know that you got much chance? You got the chance to say to her all the time when both of you meet. But you! Both of you! No one pretending like they care because they want to make you say that you really love her! Baka! Shou you're so Baka, Baka, Baka! Do you want me to say it one more time?! That you are BAKA!!!" A girly voice said behind me... Who is it? Her voice is quite familiar!... Who is this?
I Turned around and faced a very cute girl... I remember her! "K-Kiyoshi!! Fukuda Kiyoshi?! From 9th grade? Class 9a? Are that you?!" I remember her! Someone like her it's hard to forget! You'll never forget you first love! But it was long time ago now... Wait?! If i'm not wrong! Does she have a ring on her left side hand?! Oh! Yes! of course she is marry! I Forgot! Haha!! Lucky Man that got her!... "Shou? SHou? SHOU!!! Are you there?! Do you pretending not to hear me or what?!" Kiyoshi screamed in my ear.
"Oh! Sorry! I was just thinking about something! What did you say?" I think she said yes that she is Fukuda Kiyoshi... But i'm not sure... "I said yes I am Fukuda Kiyoshi! or actually Watanabe Kiyoshi! Oh! Well! Shou-kun! If you dont mind i gotta go now!! Rin and Kyo is waitning! ja ne!" She said... she didn't even wait for me to say something... Well her kidd is waiting... Now i can just see her back fade away slowly... I'm not gonna be like this! I Gonna tell Haruko what i feel for her! Yepp!! Now or never!! I don't want to lose someone o love once again!!.
~ ** ~ Normall pov:
"Where is Shou?" Haruko said looking around. "Why don't you tell him how you feel? Haruko? Stop pretending to not care! WE all know you LOVE Shou! Why don't you just ask him?" Tora said and looked said at Haruko. "I know but-" Haruko said but get cuted of by Saga. " Playing to not care isn't that fun... I know it! Because i lose a girl i love by doing like that! So just stop playing to not care! and ask him.... all i can say for you!-" Saga got cuted of by Nao that said cold " Haruko *Look seriously* If you don't ask now it will be to late! I hope you understand!" then nao started to go to the lift.
My dad is a superstar (Toshiya from Dir en grey) - Do I Love You? (4)
When a car was coming with high speed! When Mitsuru saw the car she thought for herself it was to late! She couldn't move anymore! She close her eyes because the car was very close to her just some few meters then the car would hit her! She heard a man voice scream "What the heck?! Move Mitsuru!!" Then she feelt herself into someones arm... she thought in that time that she was dreaming... When she open her eyes she saw herself in Kaito's arms!
They was like flying across the road Mitsuru's head on Kaito's cheest... Akane and Asusa just stan on the sidewalk, shocked about what happend infront of there eyes!
"Mitsuru!!" Both girl screamed when they understand what where happening in front of there eyes! Kaito and Mitsuru both didn't move... Akane called an ambulance, when Asusa Checked out if they were still alive.
"Uff!! Omg! They are still alive!! Thanks god!" Asusa said when she started to check if Kaito and Mitsuru was okay.
"Okay! Okay! Yeah! We are waiting here! Eh? They are still alive! Oh! No... They are not damaged! Yeah! Yeah! They still breath! Oh! Really? Uff! Thank you! *Hang up the phone*" Akane talked to the hospital that where going to be there in some minutes.
"Akane what did they say?!?!" A Really upset Asusa looked at Akane.
"They said maybe Kaito and Mitsuru passed out... and that we got to wait here..." Akane said while looking around.
"Wait! Where the heck is the car?!" Asusa said with agner in her voice. "Yeah! Where it is?!?!" Akane looked around, both of the girl looked around but didn't find the car!
After some minutes the ambulance came and picked Kaito and Mitsuru to the hospital.
~ ** ~ Mitsuru's pov:
Usch! I feel so awful! Aoch! My head hurts so much! Where am i? This room is so bright! Am i in heaven? "No you're not in heaven Mika-chan!" a vocie that am sure i've heard it alots of time! but i can't put it where! "Oh! I've raised you from young to now but you don't even remember my voice?" It was quite like a mother voice... but it sounded to young to be that... "Who are you?"... "Me? Ahahahah! Mika-chan! I'm the only one who call you Mika! So who do you think? Akane? Hahahahah! Haruko! I'm Haruko! your sis! Spring Child?
春子 Ahahah!"
Haruko... Haru that means spring 春 or Haru which means 陽 sun, sunlight? 子 ko... child? oh! i can remember... "Let me sleep!"
~ ** ~ Normall pov:
"Hmmm!!! Oh!! Can't you drive a bit faster Nao?" Hiroto said loud.
"No! I Can't! Hiroto take it easy! Mitsuru will be okay!! She are not going to die!" A Annyoing Nao said.
"But!" Hiroto said but get cut of by Shou that thought Hiroto was overreacting " She will not die! She is a strong person! You know that! So just shut up!"
"S-Shou?" Hiroto get quite... "Ahahahahah!! Arigatoo Shou! You got Hiroto to shut up! Now i feel the harmoni in this car!" Nao said laughing!
*At the hospital*
Hiroto ran into the lift and ran to Mitsuru's room...
"Hiroto really love My dear little Mika, Doesn't he?" From no where Haruko came and said to the others memeber from Alice Nine. "Yeah he really loves her! It's good that he love her!... But it's to sad when he got to realise that Mitsuru... Don't like boys like us more then frined or brother.... Haruko... You're kawaii today!" Shou said smiling at the 26 years old 1,68 cm tall woman in front of him. She is a singer to... But her band is just a cover band.... MitsuRuHaru was the band name!
They was like flying across the road Mitsuru's head on Kaito's cheest... Akane and Asusa just stan on the sidewalk, shocked about what happend infront of there eyes!
"Mitsuru!!" Both girl screamed when they understand what where happening in front of there eyes! Kaito and Mitsuru both didn't move... Akane called an ambulance, when Asusa Checked out if they were still alive.
"Uff!! Omg! They are still alive!! Thanks god!" Asusa said when she started to check if Kaito and Mitsuru was okay.
"Okay! Okay! Yeah! We are waiting here! Eh? They are still alive! Oh! No... They are not damaged! Yeah! Yeah! They still breath! Oh! Really? Uff! Thank you! *Hang up the phone*" Akane talked to the hospital that where going to be there in some minutes.
"Akane what did they say?!?!" A Really upset Asusa looked at Akane.
"They said maybe Kaito and Mitsuru passed out... and that we got to wait here..." Akane said while looking around.
"Wait! Where the heck is the car?!" Asusa said with agner in her voice. "Yeah! Where it is?!?!" Akane looked around, both of the girl looked around but didn't find the car!
After some minutes the ambulance came and picked Kaito and Mitsuru to the hospital.
~ ** ~ Mitsuru's pov:
Usch! I feel so awful! Aoch! My head hurts so much! Where am i? This room is so bright! Am i in heaven? "No you're not in heaven Mika-chan!" a vocie that am sure i've heard it alots of time! but i can't put it where! "Oh! I've raised you from young to now but you don't even remember my voice?" It was quite like a mother voice... but it sounded to young to be that... "Who are you?"... "Me? Ahahahah! Mika-chan! I'm the only one who call you Mika! So who do you think? Akane? Hahahahah! Haruko! I'm Haruko! your sis! Spring Child?
春子 Ahahah!"
Haruko... Haru that means spring 春 or Haru which means 陽 sun, sunlight? 子 ko... child? oh! i can remember... "Let me sleep!"
~ ** ~ Normall pov:
"Hmmm!!! Oh!! Can't you drive a bit faster Nao?" Hiroto said loud.
"No! I Can't! Hiroto take it easy! Mitsuru will be okay!! She are not going to die!" A Annyoing Nao said.
"But!" Hiroto said but get cut of by Shou that thought Hiroto was overreacting " She will not die! She is a strong person! You know that! So just shut up!"
"S-Shou?" Hiroto get quite... "Ahahahahah!! Arigatoo Shou! You got Hiroto to shut up! Now i feel the harmoni in this car!" Nao said laughing!
*At the hospital*
Hiroto ran into the lift and ran to Mitsuru's room...
"Hiroto really love My dear little Mika, Doesn't he?" From no where Haruko came and said to the others memeber from Alice Nine. "Yeah he really loves her! It's good that he love her!... But it's to sad when he got to realise that Mitsuru... Don't like boys like us more then frined or brother.... Haruko... You're kawaii today!" Shou said smiling at the 26 years old 1,68 cm tall woman in front of him. She is a singer to... But her band is just a cover band.... MitsuRuHaru was the band name!
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Haruko kotobuki (Vocal of her own band MitsuRuHaru) |
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Ogata Hiroto (Guitar of Alice Nine) |
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Kohara Kazamasa (Vocal of Alice Nine) |
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Nao (Drummer of Alice Nine) |
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Suzuki Mizaki (Mitsu Drummer of band MitsuRuHaru) |
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Ishihara Ryou (Ru Bass of band MitsuRuHaru) |
My dad is a superstar (Toshiya from Dir en grey) - What about this time? (3)
That is the dress Akane want to have when she still was with Kaito.
"Ah! Akane-kun! How are you?! It's a pleasure to meet ya again! Are ya going to take Shinya with ya today?" Asusa asked Akane with a big smile.
"Oh! Ahahah! And you are?" Akane said looking confused to Asusa. "Kyaaa!! You already forget me?! How mean isnt' that?!" Asusa said shaking Akane's shoulder's, Akane just laughed then at least she said while laughing like crazy
"Ahahahahahah!! Y-You!! Ahahahah!! T-The face you mad is just to funny!! Mwahahahah!! I was just joking neh! You're Kitade Asusa, Right?" Asusa just stared at Akane with her mouth made an 'o' Mitsuru and Kaito was giggle in the bakground.
"Oh! That was mean!! i thought you would already forget me!" Asusa said then pouts at Akane. "They look like they've known each other since 5th-6th grade!" Mitsuru Said pissed of, because she was kind of jealouse on Asusa that make Akane laugh
~ ** ~ In Akane's mine:
Wooow!! I never thougt that Asusa is such a funny person kind of a rich girl that pretend to look like a kidd! But... I Think i've fallen for her! Her Amazing smile! How cute... Her long dyed hair... Her laugh and how she pouts!... Wait, wait, wait!!!! Even I'm Bi but!!... No!!! She don't feel the same way!! Wait!!?? Do i love her?! or are it just that i like her?!?... Well... For now just see what happend... Do i gonna love her? or am i just pretending to?... Omg! How awful! This is going bad even i don't love her!!...
~ ** ~ In Asusa's mine:
Kawaii!!!~~ <3 Kawaii, Kawaii!!! It's all the word i can find for Akane-chan!! She is soo HANDSOME!!! If she was i guy i would like really really fall for her!! Her hand is soo smoth!! Oh! how i like her! Wait!! Am i in love with a girl?!?! No it can't be true!! How can it be so?!?! Well... Now just pretending not to care that i love her or not... just enjoy the time and take it as well as a memori to remember before... Well... How fun will it be to be friend with someone like Akane-chan? Who knows what the future will play with us!! You can only imagination the future, but hten it's up to you if your going to make it come true or not... BEcause when i was a kidd... I want to be a hero! help everyone!... But untill now i understand... It can come true!... Everyone can be a hero! Sometimes someone just get into a hero!... Like i want to inspire people in music!... I write text that would inspire people why to live, why to love... And one day i'm going to fly abow this blue blue sky! free as i am...
~ ** ~ In Mitsuru's mine:
I never thougt i would be this jealous because someone else that isn't me make her laugh and have fun like this! Am i pretending to make some moves now? Why? Why can't Akane-senpai see how i feel for her! I want that she give me that kind of joke! I want that Akane is going too have fun with me too!! I feell wothless now... Just because of that damn Asusa! How dare she touch Akane-senpai like that!
Even i have never touch Akane-senpai like that!! I dunno!! What am i feeling for Akane-senpai?! Before in the early life of mine and Akane... I was always with Akane since i know her... Never let someone hurt her!! Because Akane-senpai is truly not that strong! She can get milions of shit! but not even her can stand with so much! I miss the old times!...
How long will i still pretending like i don't like Akane?... What a loser i am...
~ ** ~ In Kaito's mine:
Hope Akane dosen't make my Asusa to fall for her! Even Akane is strog but she still have a weak point... she is still a human.... Untill she doesn't get into that demon!That night... I will never foget it!!
Am i the only one that doesn't care about how myself feel? pretending like not to care about someone... and get left behind... What a pleasure.... How bad can it be?
*Real life*
"Well... are we going to go now? Because i think everyone is there but not us... Come we go!" Mitsuru said while going to the school's ruff top.
"How pissed of can you be?" Kaito said when he was running to Mitsuru. "I Dunno can't you just shut up for a min?" mitsuru said and walked faster. "Why would i shut up?" Kaito said with a grin behinde Mitsuru. "Because you would really do me a favor!" Mitsuru almost screamed it up then start to run to the school, when....
"Ah! Akane-kun! How are you?! It's a pleasure to meet ya again! Are ya going to take Shinya with ya today?" Asusa asked Akane with a big smile.
"Oh! Ahahah! And you are?" Akane said looking confused to Asusa. "Kyaaa!! You already forget me?! How mean isnt' that?!" Asusa said shaking Akane's shoulder's, Akane just laughed then at least she said while laughing like crazy
"Ahahahahahah!! Y-You!! Ahahahah!! T-The face you mad is just to funny!! Mwahahahah!! I was just joking neh! You're Kitade Asusa, Right?" Asusa just stared at Akane with her mouth made an 'o' Mitsuru and Kaito was giggle in the bakground.
"Oh! That was mean!! i thought you would already forget me!" Asusa said then pouts at Akane. "They look like they've known each other since 5th-6th grade!" Mitsuru Said pissed of, because she was kind of jealouse on Asusa that make Akane laugh
~ ** ~ In Akane's mine:
Wooow!! I never thougt that Asusa is such a funny person kind of a rich girl that pretend to look like a kidd! But... I Think i've fallen for her! Her Amazing smile! How cute... Her long dyed hair... Her laugh and how she pouts!... Wait, wait, wait!!!! Even I'm Bi but!!... No!!! She don't feel the same way!! Wait!!?? Do i love her?! or are it just that i like her?!?... Well... For now just see what happend... Do i gonna love her? or am i just pretending to?... Omg! How awful! This is going bad even i don't love her!!...
~ ** ~ In Asusa's mine:
Kawaii!!!~~ <3 Kawaii, Kawaii!!! It's all the word i can find for Akane-chan!! She is soo HANDSOME!!! If she was i guy i would like really really fall for her!! Her hand is soo smoth!! Oh! how i like her! Wait!! Am i in love with a girl?!?! No it can't be true!! How can it be so?!?! Well... Now just pretending not to care that i love her or not... just enjoy the time and take it as well as a memori to remember before... Well... How fun will it be to be friend with someone like Akane-chan? Who knows what the future will play with us!! You can only imagination the future, but hten it's up to you if your going to make it come true or not... BEcause when i was a kidd... I want to be a hero! help everyone!... But untill now i understand... It can come true!... Everyone can be a hero! Sometimes someone just get into a hero!... Like i want to inspire people in music!... I write text that would inspire people why to live, why to love... And one day i'm going to fly abow this blue blue sky! free as i am...
~ ** ~ In Mitsuru's mine:
I never thougt i would be this jealous because someone else that isn't me make her laugh and have fun like this! Am i pretending to make some moves now? Why? Why can't Akane-senpai see how i feel for her! I want that she give me that kind of joke! I want that Akane is going too have fun with me too!! I feell wothless now... Just because of that damn Asusa! How dare she touch Akane-senpai like that!
Even i have never touch Akane-senpai like that!! I dunno!! What am i feeling for Akane-senpai?! Before in the early life of mine and Akane... I was always with Akane since i know her... Never let someone hurt her!! Because Akane-senpai is truly not that strong! She can get milions of shit! but not even her can stand with so much! I miss the old times!...
How long will i still pretending like i don't like Akane?... What a loser i am...
~ ** ~ In Kaito's mine:
Hope Akane dosen't make my Asusa to fall for her! Even Akane is strog but she still have a weak point... she is still a human.... Untill she doesn't get into that demon!That night... I will never foget it!!
Am i the only one that doesn't care about how myself feel? pretending like not to care about someone... and get left behind... What a pleasure.... How bad can it be?
*Real life*
"Well... are we going to go now? Because i think everyone is there but not us... Come we go!" Mitsuru said while going to the school's ruff top.
"How pissed of can you be?" Kaito said when he was running to Mitsuru. "I Dunno can't you just shut up for a min?" mitsuru said and walked faster. "Why would i shut up?" Kaito said with a grin behinde Mitsuru. "Because you would really do me a favor!" Mitsuru almost screamed it up then start to run to the school, when....
Long day in the city (Again)
Wazzap!!!!!! >3<
Yesterday before this damn headache come to me i was in gamla stan the i go upp to hötorget...
It was much people (As normall) I've buy some stuff that u can eat, wear and read! >3< Guess what it is!!
Pocky the taste of leenchee!!! ^3^it was yummi!!! <3 and popcorn with the taste of caramell <3 Then over knee socks and "Shojo stars" and "Manga Maina" so now i got a lots of stuff!!! >3< it was fun!!
Well... Maybe that's all for today?
Yesterday before this damn headache come to me i was in gamla stan the i go upp to hötorget...
It was much people (As normall) I've buy some stuff that u can eat, wear and read! >3< Guess what it is!!
Pocky the taste of leenchee!!! ^3^it was yummi!!! <3 and popcorn with the taste of caramell <3 Then over knee socks and "Shojo stars" and "Manga Maina" so now i got a lots of stuff!!! >3< it was fun!!
Well... Maybe that's all for today?
Yes or No (Thai Film) อยากรักก็รักเลย Part 2/2
I know how it feels to love a girl!!!! Even my end doesn't end like this movie!!! >3<
Yes or No (Thai Film) อยากรักก็รักเลย Part 1/2
"Mom... If the one i love... isn't a man... Will you be mad, mom?" Kyaaaaa!!!! Asking my mom what she will answer she said "You're still my daughter, why would i get mad? If you just be your selfe then okay. At least if you is a good person!" Awwww!!! >3< Love you momi!!!!!!!
投稿 (Atom)