
Summer holiday and Saga-sans birthday!

Hellow people!
I know i haven't post for awhile but i was quite dead of me... and now my home got problems too! The kitchen sink have problem! Now my parent's are runing around to do something about it! Me myself haven't done something at all -,-
I know i'm not helpfull at all but i do bring bad luck to people so if i would help it would be a whooooooole messsss~ m( _ _ )m I'm soprry if you think i am lazy no i am not i just bring bad luck so there is no need to help for me... and i think i would die if i help... it look so... ewwww~!

Well... Enough about that!
Now i am having summer holiday which i really do like but i some kind of think... Miss to go back to school... Is a diffrent feeeling from every year... I feel... lonely! Because when i go back to school... It is not the same... I'm going to use the train to go to school... Going to meet just 4 more friends from Lännbo... I just realise i miss them... All of them... Seeing them would make my day go from sad to happy from happy to just i cant find a word to it!
They have been in my life... really long... some of them... Is idiot but fun... There is no one who can repleas them right now... They are funny in there own way...

Well... Here is what i bought at a shopping center!
Twizzlers (I don't think it is teasty xC )
a pair of jeans and body lotion from H&M xD

Ice cream from M'c donals! REally teasty! I took from my mom when mine was done! the mother and child who sat beside us was like "wtf?!" and i just laughed!

 And this was my breakfast that day!  I was reading the book "Chain mail" is a really good book! i really enjoyd it! I read the book in only 2 days! (that never really do happend!) so it got to be really good! Read it!

 And this is what happend after the sakura stop blossom... it look like this... I was thinking to take picture of it! but it was like this when i came!

 All this food you see in the 3 pictures was my breakfast! yes you read right! it was my breakfast last week!
 But last days i actually lost my weight!  \(^0^)/ and i am as tall as Ruki form The GazettE (1.62 cm) Mwahahahahah! xD

 This is what me and my mom drank when we got home after that day when i got dissapointed of not seeing the Sakura blossom... Bannana drink and strawberry stuff...  Strawberry is my momis and the other one i smine xD

"Some coffe madam?" Haha! I hate coffe... xP it is ewwww~
But this one was teasty Yay! \(^0^)/

This is a picture of when my class was in Erstavik badet! it was fun! I did that water way but never really did got finish with it! xD

And well... At the school ending i sang with a friend and my other friend played piano lots of people tought it was great me myself tought we could do it better... -,-
I have a picture on me how i looked like but there is no picture of me and my friend... ori have but it is when it was 6th grade lunch! It was really goood! i was going to take picture but... it would look weird...

This me and my class made!
Two groups and my group was the best! because it wasn't that black on the botton... as you see on the picture xD

We ate in pizza hut too! XD i ate 7 pairs of pizza xD It was fun... i want to go back to those funny days... just one more time... m( _ _ )m sorry for beging so childish and wanting to go back...

This is what i drew yesterday! don't it look good?

and here is the finish look! and if i just forgot!


To Saga-san bassist of Alice Nine of course! But if someone is born today to then Happy birthday to you too!! ^^ 

Hope he good luck and have a relaxing day! or how should i say?

Hehe!!! Baii baii!


Do you remember?

Pleas!!! Just one more year!!! Just one more year so we can do more epic fail!!!
You still remember that snowy day?? When we jumped around the snow and falled with the face first?!
Do you remember when i was haunting you around because you would show the picture when i was young??
Do you remember when we did wrong in home economics so that cake tasted like onions!?
Do you remember that girl who was thinking that everybody loved her, when she was hated by everyone?!
Do you remember that day when was holding hand in hand, and when we noticed it we just drop our hand and said "Ewwwww~" then laughed and i said "hook?" and you answerd me with a smile "Hook!"
Do you remember that day when we laughed like crazy?? How fun it was??
Do you remember that rainy day??  When we made up a plan on how to stay inside the school?? But the teacher found out and said us to go out??
Do you still remember when we played basketball and the two girl that wasn't playing with us took the ball and made us run around?!
Do you still remember when we run around like idiot's when we didn't know were the key to piano room was??
You remember when we fighted and you called me bad stuff when i was kicking you??
Do you remember that first day we met and we just had fun all day long...

You're all my shine, I'll watch over you guy's how long from each other we are I'll still watch over you and see how much you have blooming out!
I've got 5 thing's to tell you!
1: I'll alway's thank you for making me to the person i am today!
2: The memories together i'll never forget them!
3: Let's have fun if we meet again!
4: I hope everyone a fun school time!


What's going on?

How are you??
Myself are just fit and fine!
Well... Beside this stupid rain which raining ALL day long....
Ummm... I forgot what i should wrote here... Umm...  Let me think...
Pic's of what i just got yesterday!

One bikini in blue
Orange eyeshadow
3 pair's of soap

That was all and my breakfast today was yummu!!
All this day i've just eat noodles!

The one with the fish is my moms and yeah the ither one is mine xD

And this is my Lunch!

Don't it look great?! hehe! ^^"

Well!... A pic of me today! I know i look awful in this pic but whatever!

My arm look abit weird... Maybe because i layed my arm down... or?

Well today i saw lot's of funny vidoe's and so on!!
And today i just ended watch Toradora! I really do like it! This is what touched me (Which made me almost cry)

Teacher Yuri Koigakubo said:
In your lives,  you will all come to diffrent crossroads... 
Regardless of if you decided to stay where you are or turn back, you still have to make a decision...
Aisaka-san's decision may mean leaving you all, but it's a decision she tried her best to make.
Let's support her, okay? 

And everyone just took there phone out and mailed her and so on xD

It's the night sky...
No it's definitely a star...
I think she mean's "I'll try my best" 
"Even if the sky is pitch black, with nothing to see, there will be stars shining somewhere out there.
If I keep shining brighter and brigther, I'll definitely look better to people."

But even if that's the case, the sky will connect us. 
As long as we all shine,  no matter how far apart we are, we will definitely be able to see each other doing our best 

It make me cry...

You know, before she become who she is, people loved her even though she caused trouble for everyone. 
I was jealous of her.
But that's not true at all.
Even though she seems amazing, her body and heart are both so small and timid.
All she does is take whatever people throw at her.
She won't let  anyone see her true self.
As long as there's at least one person who understand me, i'll be okay.
Even if it isn't love...  

Even if you're not by my side right now,  I will leap through space and time and alway's be by your side.
These feeling's will never change! 

Nawww~~! Cute isn't it? I want someone who will say that to me too!! >3<

Something other said at the end (I think the teacher's in my school think's like that too..)
It'll be lonely once the seniors leave, They are all so coll and intresting, Did you know that our student concil president, Kitamura-senpai will be studying abroad in America after graduation?
The president and the seniors made the Cultural Festival and Sports Festival amazing!
But I Heard that the previous cultural festival was even more amazing!
It was legendary one where 2-C won everything, right?
Yeah! It was because of the palmtop something...
You mean palmtop tiger? 
The one who brings you good lucky? 
That person really exists?
She went to this school last year! Morever she was Takasu-senpai's girlfriend!
There's something in this world that no one has seen before, 
It is gentle and sweet...
Maybe if it could been seen, everyone would fight over it, 
That's why no one has ever seen it, 
The world hid it so no one can could get there hands on it easily, 
However, someone someday will find it,

Baii baii~~! Time for me to gooo~~!!


Counting down!!

I'm counting down the day's for school to end!!!
and i've got lot's to do like doing pic and so on! baii!! i am going to watch ghost hunter you should watch it!