
The real me!

I have nothing to do! Don't blame me! I then just thought... "Le me need to update le blog! What should i do?! yes facts about myself... Even thought no one is going to read it."

Let's start!

  • How will you propose: With a night scenery saying "I'm no good without you. Because this feeling will never change, will you be by my side forever?"
  • What is your charm feature:  My voice?
  • How would others describe your personality:  Loud, mean, weird but at the same time responsible, shy and a daydreamer.
  • Hand and foot you are used to: right
  • Eyesight: left: -4.0 Right: -3.5
  • Your weakness:  Sensible, ticklish on the side.
  • Something you are proud of: My voice i guess.
  • Problem with your body: I'm fat and i have skin problem.
  • What do you sleep in:  Big over sized shirt and shorts?
  • Your sleeping pose is: like an S or N
  • How long do you stay in the bath:
  • Where do you start washing:back of my neck
  • Who are you best at mimicking:No one XD
  • Favorite shopping area:Hmm... Gamla stan?
  • What do you usually buy at the convenience store? Drinks.
  • Most expensive thing you ever bought: MY ticket's to thailand last year o.o  I paid 17.000 for my own ticket like WTF?!?
  • Your treasure is: My Life
  • What is something you should apologize for: I don't usually apologize but if i do i don't mean it. Because it's still words it doesn't mean to be true, instead my actions will show that i'm sorry.
  • Favorite stylish accessories:  barcelet
  • Hair style you want to try out:  A semi-long black hair with straight across bangs!
  • Your hobby right now:  Study Japanese?
  • Your motto: "You can't always wait for someone to help you,You should pick yourself up instead!" Because for em if someone helps me it really hurts my pride so i'd rather die... hehe
  • Your favorite song: I always change song but for now Kinki kids-sans " mada namida ni naranai kanashimi ga"
  • Favorite color:  Black
  • Favorite movie:  mmm... I have alot but... Gokusen the movie?
  • Favorite book:a Swedish book "djävulens märke" in english " Satans mark"
  • Favorite TV show:Shin Domoto Kyodai, Shounen Club and Johnny's jr land!
  • Favorite food:Thai
  • Least favorite food:ohh.. Lots but mostly eggplants and cucumber!
  • Favorite emoticon:  (ノ ̄ー ̄)ノ
  • Afraid of: Ghost, spiders, snake, high places and my parents!
  • You recently cried about:  a Week ago, because i felt useless.
  • You recently laughed about: Yesterday in english lesson, me and my friends were board and then we throwed some eresar at a guy in our class and he got mad and said "Who wants a computer in their heads?!" and held his PC above our heads! XD 
  • You are happy about: Being albe to survive everyday with a smile!  
  • Your angry about: My weakness!
  • What is a recent dream you had: I was dreaming of running in the wood, i was getting chased but i don't know what....
  • A recent moment you jumped in:  Yesterdays P.E lesson?
  • Have you camped recently? :  I've never camped!
  • The last time you used a shampoo:  Yesterday?
  • Your type of boy: Funny, laid-back, someone who understands me, is gentl and can also play a music instrument!   
  • What do you like in a guy?…:  His gentleness towards me and only me!
  • Where will you date: A park or Amusment park!
  • Ideal kiss situation: On our way home the sun is setting. He will stop while i'll continue walking then he'll stop me by taking my hand and pull me towards him ending up hugging each other. I'll be shocked and he will lean in and kiss me!
  • How would you confess to a boy? "This feeling has been bothering me for awhile...but... Seems like i've liked you for awhile now. " 
  • What confession do you want to hear from a boy:Hmmm... As long as it's not to hard to understand everything is fine!  
  • How would you want to be called by your boyfriend? HONEYY! <3  
  • Number of confession experience:  0.... 4EVER ALONE!
  • What would you not want a boy to do?flirt or hug other girls!
  • What gift would you give a boy: Hmm.. Depends on what he likes. 
  • A word from a boy that would make you happy:"Even thought you look like a bad person but you're actually really kind"
  • A word from a boy that would shock you: "Do you even have emotions?!" 
  • How long would you wait for a late boyfriend?after 30 minutes i'll start worrying but if he calls then 3 hours. but i'll probably go sit somewhere.
  • Your first love: I don't remember....
  • When would you get married?:  about 23 at the age of 25-26 i'll want to have kids.
  • How many kids do you want? 2-3
  • Anything you want to say to your feature husband?: Hmmm... I might be selfish from time to time but please be patient with me!
  • Name for your kids: For a boy: Yuukio  勇気男 or Yuki 雪 For a girl: 央美 Omi or Kazue
  • What does your family call you by?  Ploy
  • Your most memorable family holiday is: hmmm.... i dont' remember
  • What do you call your parents by:  mom: maa. for dad: Father
  • What was your breakfast today?:  ice cream
  • First memory you remember:  don't remember, i'm not that old!
  • Your Childhood dream was:  Be a housewife
  • The most serious injury you had:  I got many giant wooden sticks in hand when I was in 3rd grade
  • Talent classes you went when you were small:Art and Music?
  • Favorite place at school: The hallway with our lockers.
  • Favorite school lunch: Somethings that is eatable
  • Least favorite school lunch:  oh gosh... It's tooooooo long!
  • Favorite subject: English, music and arts!
  • Lest favorite subject:  P.E, Society, Religion, Chemistry, fysiology
  • Favorite sport activity: Wolleyball
  • Least favorite sport activity:  Soccer biatch!
  • What do you do in your break time?: Sleep or play with my phone
  • The longest phone conversation: 10 minutes, i don't like phone calls! 
  • How many times do you mail in one day? 3 times
  • How many mails are in saved in your mobile phone?  100
  • Place you want to go: Japan
  • Respected person:Ruki-san from the GazettE, Tackey-san from Tackey and tsubasa and Domoto Koichi-san
  • Person you want to see the most: Ayukawa Taiyo!
  • What do you desire now: Time!  It's going to fast!
  • What do you want to do most if you become a boy? I'll go ahead an sing with a death vocal!!
  • You won $3billion, how would you use ot?  Save half and give away to other who needs it.
  • What do you want to be if you were reborn?  Be born in Japan and join Akb48!
  • Your house is on fire what is the first thing you do? call 112?!
  • What would you do on the last day of Earth? hmmm... sing then sleep.



Sick and graduation

So... Today or actually yesterday i felt sick today i was sick and I had my period coming to which is double great! So tomorrow i asked my mom if i could stay at home and she said yes! And so today i took all my books home, Spanish, Maths and Social studies but on thursday i'll need to go to school because first i have a spanish homework and then social studies test! Great right?! 

and also....



私は寂しくなる 先輩!