Yoho!! everyone :) i have miss u guys even i don't now u^_^
I haven't blog at all XP not good was to lazy and my mom said i can just open the computer on friday saturday and sunday XP it's litel but i'll keep try to blog so often that i can XD
Oh and the reason why i write to day actually it's two reason HAHA!!! one on of my friend goona vote in which japanesse boy band it's best and i the second was becaouse i get an idee but forget it when i was going home to day HAHA!!!....wait!!!!!!!...i remember now some pepol in this worl don't now those band so i get some mv from The Gazette = Relia Alice nine = Shunkashuutou SuG = Gimme Gimme And at least The best of the best haha just kidding everyone it's good at some kind of music so i can't say so XD right...??? but now An cafe = Have two versions one it's whit bou and the second it's whit takuya and yuuki ;) Whit bou = BondS Kizuna and An cafe whit Takuya = My hearts lips for "C"
Ok but i will go now goona do some stupid think XP
Don't think so far pleas!! :D arigato ^^ bye bye ~
I haven't blog at all XP not good was to lazy and my mom said i can just open the computer on friday saturday and sunday XP it's litel but i'll keep try to blog so often that i can XD
Oh and the reason why i write to day actually it's two reason HAHA!!! one on of my friend goona vote in which japanesse boy band it's best and i the second was becaouse i get an idee but forget it when i was going home to day HAHA!!!....wait!!!!!!!...i remember now some pepol in this worl don't now those band so i get some mv from The Gazette = Relia Alice nine = Shunkashuutou SuG = Gimme Gimme And at least The best of the best haha just kidding everyone it's good at some kind of music so i can't say so XD right...??? but now An cafe = Have two versions one it's whit bou and the second it's whit takuya and yuuki ;) Whit bou = BondS Kizuna and An cafe whit Takuya = My hearts lips for "C"
Ok but i will go now goona do some stupid think XP
Don't think so far pleas!! :D arigato ^^ bye bye ~
My love
You...my dear why are you hurting me time to time...?
Are I mean somethink to you at all...?
You standing next to me and ask..."Why are you crying?"...you...the one i LOVE...you...the one that hurt me...you...that kill me inside and out...why are you still hurt me even you now that...why?
I have LOVE you since we met in first time...i still LOVE you to who you are and not what you are...but you leave me alone...time to time...you still leave me to standing in the house we live togheter that the good, hurt, painful and lovley moment...we have...we support each other....when someone of us get sad....but still leave me...why dear why??....I still LOVE you...and goona LOVE you forever...untill i die...
You said to me in that time..."I'm always yours" but still leave me...sometimes i think you love me or not...? can you please answer me that??.....you still standing there and smile....but inside you hurt right...??
I want you to now that i am always on your side and that never goona chance....
You are always in my dream why??....maybe...becaouse we live togheter and sleep next to each other...you always have a place in my heart...
My love is still the same no one is better then you...but that one that take care of me...why it's not you but are my closly friend??....Before i mer you she said to me..."Let me take care of you, just call me when you want to have help or somethink 24 hours it's okay^^"
In that time i didn't now what she mean but now i understand... i will say thank you my friend...untill now i understand you how you fell...i have hurt you to...my friend forgive me...my love hope you don't hurt youself...
This is what i call real love^^ Love is beatuful but at the same time it hurt much someone make someone else to die in there hand that was: Rose,Rose,Rose..the rose is die in my hand...you have no tears to night now can i leave you whit out to hurt you....phuhuhu!!!!!!!
Bye bye!! i gotta go now goona chat whit my Lovley best friend^^
Are I mean somethink to you at all...?
You standing next to me and ask..."Why are you crying?"...you...the one i LOVE...you...the one that hurt me...you...that kill me inside and out...why are you still hurt me even you now that...why?
I have LOVE you since we met in first time...i still LOVE you to who you are and not what you are...but you leave me alone...time to time...you still leave me to standing in the house we live togheter that the good, hurt, painful and lovley moment...we have...we support each other....when someone of us get sad....but still leave me...why dear why??....I still LOVE you...and goona LOVE you forever...untill i die...
You said to me in that time..."I'm always yours" but still leave me...sometimes i think you love me or not...? can you please answer me that??.....you still standing there and smile....but inside you hurt right...??
I want you to now that i am always on your side and that never goona chance....
You are always in my dream why??....maybe...becaouse we live togheter and sleep next to each other...you always have a place in my heart...
My love is still the same no one is better then you...but that one that take care of me...why it's not you but are my closly friend??....Before i mer you she said to me..."Let me take care of you, just call me when you want to have help or somethink 24 hours it's okay^^"
In that time i didn't now what she mean but now i understand... i will say thank you my friend...untill now i understand you how you fell...i have hurt you to...my friend forgive me...my love hope you don't hurt youself...
This is what i call real love^^ Love is beatuful but at the same time it hurt much someone make someone else to die in there hand that was: Rose,Rose,Rose..the rose is die in my hand...you have no tears to night now can i leave you whit out to hurt you....phuhuhu!!!!!!!
Bye bye!! i gotta go now goona chat whit my Lovley best friend^^
The gazette
How many of the same scars did we get since we met?
How much have we help each other
I want you to tell only me and just me when your hurting instead of anyone else
The truth is burned into my eyes
What are you thinking..what are you thinking my dear..?immobilized by silence....
...I don't need a reason if i only get you back..no reason at all....
How much more then me, how was left behind...
had you who became nothing suffered??
Altough i haven't start anything,
Altough i haven't told you yet...Where to?
Open your beautiful eyes...and please tell me it was a lie...and looking at me and show me your beautiful smile...my dear my dear why you don't smile anymore...?
Why everytime i see you, you just cry...? Pleas tell me tell me why, how it hurt you who is doing that to you...pleas i want to see your smile...your beautiful smile...
Where shall we go tomorrow?? If you wish...i will go every where whit you...untill the end of the time....
Why!...Why! you always run away...The more i love you...
You run away...and leave me alone....
I can't reach you, i can't reach you..Altough i finally find you...
Everything i hold back overflows...and spills over as tears....
The words I could never tell you...I'll sing them now and here...I LOVE YOU...it's not just a word...i mean it....
...I loved you more then everyone...but you still leave me here alone...
The moment we have together is still the same...nothink have chance..i wait for you to come back....I'm always waiting for you...
Although i know better...even now i can see you come to me and hugs me...
I wonder if you will come back tomorrow...
I repeated it for a long time...i'm sorry i make you cry for a long time...i most have hurt you...now i still can not move..Why is it so painful to touch you?...I think it is becaouse i was afraid...of making the same misstake...and losing you...my love...you hold my hand whit out ask anythink why dear why i have hurt you but why are you still whit me??...are you out frome your mind i have hurt you why u not leaving me like everyone else??...
Rose,Rose,Rose..the rose is die in my hand, you have no tears tonight It makes me happy now can i leave you whit out to hurt you...
I now someone here that have here the gazette most now this one^^
A Really Funny Test^^
Hi to day i don't have so much time so u give u some test that u can have somethink to do XD
mine was:
Haha congrats your perfect match is Saga, a little on the wild side, you would get along with Saga just fine, but even past those dazzling eyes, you will be able to see what saga is really feeling, making you the perfect match xD Nice one :D

I get:
You love your cat, chicken :P. You love the skateboard and you are an amazing guitar player!
i get:
You got the vocalist of the group. He likes a girl that will be there for him. You seem to be very smart and sweet. He likes girls that dont try to be someone else. He adores foreign girls. He hates it when Japanese are rude to foreigners and refuse to help them.
i get:
You are Uruha (Guitar)
You're Uruha, the Rhythem Guitarist!
Just like Uruha, you are very attractive, and you turn heads where ever you go. you always try to look your best, and are very confident. you instantly draw attention, without effort, and are very good at playing dumb/clueless.
you are quite smart, but you often cover that up, with the way you behave. you often act as though you are untouchable, and are very good at putting a brave face on things. you try hard to keep your head up high, and remain proud, through it all.
Although having a certain amount of pride is good, sometimes you can be proud to the point of arrogance, and too sure in your abillities. you're sometimes quite vain, and the way you look plays a big part of your life. you are secretly unsure of yourself, and have a tendancy to hide behind fake smiles, and false laughs.
Somebody who lives behind lies forgets who they really are, Uruha. try to be the real you, more often!
Thats all for this time^^ see ya^^
//A.M ^^ ja ne^^
To much Facebook XP
Yo Yo Yo~~what's up what's up?
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OH!! and the reason why i came out of from bed it's becaouse Facebook want to see if it is someone there that will chatt whit me^^ but just 3 person want XP but that it funny ^^ and if you really like my blog follow it or add me on facebook ^^ *Big dog eyes* haha just kidding hope you like my joke^^
Ahah!!! NO!!!! 22 aug the school is starting again Mwahahaha!! I'm out of hell now :) For someone else maybe school it's hell but for me it's the earth not heaven haha^^ but but...i can come out opf my problems that the good think in school ^^ but everythink have a dark and a light sid but i don't wannt to tell you what the dark sid is XP
OH! i haven't write about Anime or manga at all haha... forgette like the same when i was in thailand last time i forgett my phone in the taxi but lucky that the driver saw i dropped it and said " Hey you , you dropped your phone" and give it to me^^ really kind and have really big eyes that saw it^^ well well well.....back to bussines^^
EHH!! WHY!!!! i haven't see a anime at all this year!! OMFG!!! what have happed to me maybe to much facebook and i think it's becaouse the computer don't have hmmm....whats the name again hmmm...let me think for a while.................3 hours later hmmmmm...............5 hours later hmmmmmmmm............a day later hmmmmmm...........YAY!!! Now i remember i don't now what the heck it is^^HAHA i am soooo funny!!! or are i not Phuu...i think i have to movies that i like now....Nummber six by Alice nine and An cafe movie.....YAY!! i got an idee i think i goona put this two in my blog then let u guys vote^^ yeah pleas vote and this is a pic of alice nine two pic of everyone in Alice nine next time it is An cafe^^
PAIN,PAIN, and more PAIN!!!!!!!
Lots Of thinks :)
Yesterday it happend a lots of think at like 11:30 me and my mother get out and shopping and i get a new bag she said that it's for when the school starts we start at 22 aug on a monday BORING!!!!!!!! but what ever.
After that i was playing whit my friend Rebbe if i can call you so..can i??? and i forget the time i was
one quarter late and get a lots of shit...and if you don't now that my family it's kind of serusly my dad wan't that i goona be a docter when i grow up but i don't, my mom is better she said that just be that i wanna be.
A few weeks ago i ask my mother if i was a lb what are you goona fell??? And then she said "You are my child right?? and you don't drog or somethink so i think it's ok..Why are you ask that you are a bisexual right??" And if you guys don't now that i'm a bisexul and i'm glad to be that so if you want to comment somethink lousy so thanks for it but if you now me in the reall life and want to say somethink lousy so it's ok and then i gotta now how someone can do to another person to fell good. But remember this If you are fat, smal, short, long, brow or whit whatever you are just remember that no one is better than no one.
But if you meet someone or have someone close to you and said somethinkl lousy just remember that this person are just
are just jealous of you that you can be yourself and not doubt.
But the person who say somethink lousy to you it's just Weak, Afraid, afraid to stand in front of there problems, afraid to take there own decisions and Afraid to say "No i can't " they just want to lokk good but inside they are Weak and Afraid that is why they want to take someone down beacuse they want to fell good.
So remember this Where you are, How you are, What you are just be your self. But don't be so angry one they you can be that but what now tomorow , next week end or soon they goona get somethink really really bad and hurt they self HAHA!!!!!
Bye Bye A.M And remember be your self :D Go one and do your next day better than this
Yesterday it happend a lots of think at like 11:30 me and my mother get out and shopping and i get a new bag she said that it's for when the school starts we start at 22 aug on a monday BORING!!!!!!!! but what ever.
After that i was playing whit my friend Rebbe if i can call you so..can i??? and i forget the time i was
one quarter late and get a lots of shit...and if you don't now that my family it's kind of serusly my dad wan't that i goona be a docter when i grow up but i don't, my mom is better she said that just be that i wanna be.
A few weeks ago i ask my mother if i was a lb what are you goona fell??? And then she said "You are my child right?? and you don't drog or somethink so i think it's ok..Why are you ask that you are a bisexual right??" And if you guys don't now that i'm a bisexul and i'm glad to be that so if you want to comment somethink lousy so thanks for it but if you now me in the reall life and want to say somethink lousy so it's ok and then i gotta now how someone can do to another person to fell good. But remember this If you are fat, smal, short, long, brow or whit whatever you are just remember that no one is better than no one.
But if you meet someone or have someone close to you and said somethinkl lousy just remember that this person are just
are just jealous of you that you can be yourself and not doubt.
But the person who say somethink lousy to you it's just Weak, Afraid, afraid to stand in front of there problems, afraid to take there own decisions and Afraid to say "No i can't " they just want to lokk good but inside they are Weak and Afraid that is why they want to take someone down beacuse they want to fell good.
So remember this Where you are, How you are, What you are just be your self. But don't be so angry one they you can be that but what now tomorow , next week end or soon they goona get somethink really really bad and hurt they self HAHA!!!!!
Bye Bye A.M And remember be your self :D Go one and do your next day better than this
The reson why
The reason why i'm here it's because my love to music
The reason why i'm crying it's because i'm a loser
The reason why i have pain it's because i messed up everytime for myself
The reason why i'm standing here it's because i want to move on
The reason why i'm happy it's because i want to do the next day better than this day
The reason why i sing it because i want to tell my fellings
The reason why i move on it's because i want to do the best i can to my last breath
The reason why i want to feel what Love and be loved back feels
The reason why i want to die it's because i have lots of problem
The reason why i want to do suicide it's because i want to run from the problems.....But if i run from the problems i most run all of my life so i won't do suicide i must fight to my last breath!!
Ett barn
Ett barn som kritiseras
Lär sig fördöma
Ett barn som får stryk
Lär sig slåss
Ett barn som hånas
Lär sig blyghet
Ett barns som utsätts för ironi
Får dåligt samvete
Men ett barn som får uppmuntran
Lär sig förtroende
Ett barn som möts med tolerans
Lär sig tålamod
Ett barn som får beröm
Lär sig uppskatta
Ett barn som får uppleva rent spel
Lär sig rättvisa
Ett barn som får känna vänskap
Lär sig vänlighet
Ett barn som får uppleva trygghet
Lär sig tilltro
Ett barn som blir omtyckt och kramat
Lär sig känna kärlek i världen...
The reason why i'm crying it's because i'm a loser
The reason why i have pain it's because i messed up everytime for myself
The reason why i'm standing here it's because i want to move on
The reason why i'm happy it's because i want to do the next day better than this day
The reason why i sing it because i want to tell my fellings
The reason why i move on it's because i want to do the best i can to my last breath
The reason why i want to feel what Love and be loved back feels
The reason why i want to die it's because i have lots of problem
The reason why i want to do suicide it's because i want to run from the problems.....But if i run from the problems i most run all of my life so i won't do suicide i must fight to my last breath!!
Ett barn
Ett barn som kritiseras
Lär sig fördöma
Ett barn som får stryk
Lär sig slåss
Ett barn som hånas
Lär sig blyghet
Ett barns som utsätts för ironi
Får dåligt samvete
Men ett barn som får uppmuntran
Lär sig förtroende
Ett barn som möts med tolerans
Lär sig tålamod
Ett barn som får beröm
Lär sig uppskatta
Ett barn som får uppleva rent spel
Lär sig rättvisa
Ett barn som får känna vänskap
Lär sig vänlighet
Ett barn som får uppleva trygghet
Lär sig tilltro
Ett barn som blir omtyckt och kramat
Lär sig känna kärlek i världen...
投稿 (Atom)