Hi to day i don't have so much time so u give u some test that u can have somethink to do XD
mine was:
Haha congrats your perfect match is Saga, a little on the wild side, you would get along with Saga just fine, but even past those dazzling eyes, you will be able to see what saga is really feeling, making you the perfect match xD Nice one :D

I get:
You love your cat, chicken :P. You love the skateboard and you are an amazing guitar player!
i get:
You got the vocalist of the group. He likes a girl that will be there for him. You seem to be very smart and sweet. He likes girls that dont try to be someone else. He adores foreign girls. He hates it when Japanese are rude to foreigners and refuse to help them.
i get:
You are Uruha (Guitar)
You're Uruha, the Rhythem Guitarist!
Just like Uruha, you are very attractive, and you turn heads where ever you go. you always try to look your best, and are very confident. you instantly draw attention, without effort, and are very good at playing dumb/clueless.
you are quite smart, but you often cover that up, with the way you behave. you often act as though you are untouchable, and are very good at putting a brave face on things. you try hard to keep your head up high, and remain proud, through it all.
Although having a certain amount of pride is good, sometimes you can be proud to the point of arrogance, and too sure in your abillities. you're sometimes quite vain, and the way you look plays a big part of your life. you are secretly unsure of yourself, and have a tendancy to hide behind fake smiles, and false laughs.
Somebody who lives behind lies forgets who they really are, Uruha. try to be the real you, more often!
Thats all for this time^^ see ya^^
//A.M ^^ ja ne^^
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