
Dear Love...??

You ask me in that time want to leave?
...or want to stay??...
I answer you whit...stay...i was so stupid!...if i new that if i stay i will hurt myself very very much...
Now i want to go back and say.."I want to leave sorry.." but i can't so...now i look forward to the future...that is what i can do to get myself new hope, dream, love and lie...
Hope stands for...a new hope that i gona survive those painful day whit out to cry...even i now better...I am old enough to now that...but still hope...
Dream is somethink everyone most have somethink to dream and wish it's gona happend a good day...
Why are i wish that someone gona love me...??
Becaouse i still dream and hope..it's so stupid of me!...
I live for someone else!! So stupid!!...
I lie to myself that tomorow it will be better but no it's not!..everyday it's the same everyone is yelling, screaming, say it's the faults of the others and saying they are right!!...Still the same day to day!! How Stupid can somone be?!?!...I always think of to do suicide but still think if i do it how gona teach and learn the stupid idiots how to love...how to dream..how to hope..and how to say "I'm sorry" and mean it!!...yes of course it's sounds weird becaouse the idiots it's 40 and up...poor they::HAHA!! NO THATS GOOD FOR THEY!!!! Thinking i'm the best of everythink!!...HAHA at least someone it's  gona fall and that can i say ^_^

Actually no one is perfect...everyone have done somethink wrong...But the stupid idiots think they haven't and say everythink it's everyones fault!
Now i sound like a weirdo right??...this time was the text not so beatuful it's becaouse i haven't have a so great day x.x

                                                 Bye bye~~  // A.M

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