Poem - Song
If we just met under same sky... Would we become happy?
If this day didn't come... will we have fun?
If we just didn't cry... would we smile?
My heart continued to beat when i was with you... My life got more importent to me... You change, i change... step by step... If we just wanted the same thing... I guess we'll become happy....
How much we spend our time together... We will never become happy...
Even how much i want to go away and spreed my wings... I could probably don't become happy... So i just want to say "Thank you"
The path i always use, seems so far away...
Those memories back at time... Would i become happy if i closed them at those classroom?...
Would i stop crying?... Would we smile togehter again?
Could we just for once forgive each other? and mean it?...
We are saying good bye to each other... Those school doors start to close... with our undead memories...
Even nothing will change...
Even my heart still beats...
Even those day will never return...
Even if i stop falling...
Even you said you'll miss me...
My heart doesn't stop crying... The voice i hear inside me... It is quite familiar... Could it be your voice? We take it step by step... Even the sky fall... Will we become happy again?
From now i promise myself to become more happy... But if i just could see you smile again before closing those door... I'll become happy untill starting a new life...
The path i always use, seems so far away...
Those memories back at time... Would i become happy if i closed them at those classroom?...
Would i stop crying?... Would we smile togehter again?
Could we just for once forgive each other? and mean it?...
We are saying good bye to each other... Those school doors start to close... with our undead memories...
My sun stop shining for awhile... My Heart skip a beat... My life start to be more waste of time
Now we can't go back to those time together...
Could you sing a song for me... Just for awhile... so i can fall deep into a long dream...
But still in my dreams the water of emotation still reach me and make me the rain streams down my cheek...
Let me sleep by your song!
The path i always use, seems so far away...
Those memories back at time... Would i become happy if i closed them at those classroom?...
Would i stop crying?... Would we smile togehter again?
Even the light, even with these notes, I think they'll reach you
The memories are played out....
If we just met under same sky... Would we become happy?
If this day didn't come... will we have fun?
If we just didn't cry... would we smile?
My heart continued to beat when i was with you... My life got more importent to me... You change, i change... step by step... If we just wanted the same thing... I guess we'll become happy....
How much we spend our time together... We will never become happy...
Even how much i want to go away and spreed my wings... I could probably don't become happy... So i just want to say "Thank you"
The path i always use, seems so far away...
Those memories back at time... Would i become happy if i closed them at those classroom?...
Would i stop crying?... Would we smile togehter again?
Could we just for once forgive each other? and mean it?...
We are saying good bye to each other... Those school doors start to close... with our undead memories...
Even nothing will change...
Even my heart still beats...
Even those day will never return...
Even if i stop falling...
Even you said you'll miss me...
My heart doesn't stop crying... The voice i hear inside me... It is quite familiar... Could it be your voice? We take it step by step... Even the sky fall... Will we become happy again?
From now i promise myself to become more happy... But if i just could see you smile again before closing those door... I'll become happy untill starting a new life...
The path i always use, seems so far away...
Those memories back at time... Would i become happy if i closed them at those classroom?...
Would i stop crying?... Would we smile togehter again?
Could we just for once forgive each other? and mean it?...
We are saying good bye to each other... Those school doors start to close... with our undead memories...
My sun stop shining for awhile... My Heart skip a beat... My life start to be more waste of time
Now we can't go back to those time together...
Could you sing a song for me... Just for awhile... so i can fall deep into a long dream...
But still in my dreams the water of emotation still reach me and make me the rain streams down my cheek...
Let me sleep by your song!
The path i always use, seems so far away...
Those memories back at time... Would i become happy if i closed them at those classroom?...
Would i stop crying?... Would we smile togehter again?
Even the light, even with these notes, I think they'll reach you
The memories are played out....
My dad is a superstar (Toshiya from Dir en grey) - Are you guy Screw? (13)
"YOU SON OF A BITCH YOU KNOW THAT NAO?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? HOW DO YOU EVEN DARE TO MAKE HER CRY?!?!?!?!?! I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!!!!" Mitsuru said when Haruko just slapped her on the face...
"WHAT THE????? Haruko!! Why did you do like that?!?" Mitsuru screamed at Haruko... Who seems to get really on the mood to kick Mitsuru...
"AND WHY THE HELL DID YOU DO LIKE THAT?!?!?!?" Haurko screamed back...
"Im really sorry everyone!!" Haruko bowed and started to drag Mitsuru back home...
"I'm so sorry... it is just... umm... Srry" Akane said bowed and started to run after Haruko and Mitsuru...
"Woow... Nao what have u done to her?" Hiroto asked looked innocent...
"Just shut up... It's none of your bussiness..." Nao said walked back to the studio....
~**~ At The Same Time With Akira:
"Your son of a bitch Nao!!" Akira said thinking for her self... She had run about a mile or so...
"Ah! Who is this? Isn't this my dear little princess??" Aoi said joking and hugged Akira who seems to be really pissed of (Yes of coz she is!!)
"Aoi! Don't say or touch my little sis like that!" Ruki snapped out to Aoi
"Naww~~! It is so mean!! Then how would i say to my little princess?" Aoi said and pouted...
"I Can't Believe i am your little sis you are 1.62 cm but i'm almost 1.70... for sure i'm 1.68 cm" (It is tall for an 100% asian woman) Akira said with a grin...
"Hahah!! That was so mean Aki-chan!!" Keiyuu (From Kra) said and punched her playful.
"I am just saying the truth!" Akira said back and laughed
"Woow~! It's a big diffrent between you guys togheter Ruki, Keiyuu and Aki-chan!" Aoi said laughed when Akira, Ruki and Keiyuu standed togheter... (Think with your own seeing someone in 1.68 cm and one in 1.56 cm... and so at least someone in 1.62 cm....)
"Haha!! Hey! Akira i think you have grow up to a wonderful woman!" Uruha said and kissed her forehead, Ruki gaved him the "Your so dead!" face to him and started to play around with Reita.
"Rin-chan! Have you some new cooking tips for me yet?" Kai ( No wonder that it is him -,- ) said and smiled his heart melting smile... But for Akira or Rin as only Kai call her... It not making her heart melt... It is just a smile for her...
"hmm... No i don't... Well... Where are you guys going?" Akira said looking sideways to her brother...
"We are going to pick you up from here and we want you to meet all of the "Screw" Members..." Reita said and looked down on Akira's shoes... it was all dirty...
"Emmm... Why?" Akira said looking confused... (She does not really like Screw... She have no reason but she dont like the singer(Byou)... at least she likes Kazuki... Why? I dunno either... How the hell cant i know?!?)
"Because! No need to worry about it Aki-chan!" Keiyuu said and punshed her into the car...
"Okay! I'm going! Why so angry?!?" Akira snapped out to all of them...
It took about an hour or two untill they arrived... This is how Akira saw those person... of coz how she thinks about them too...
When she was in the car before they really stoped she saw Yuuto... (I am using former member...)
this is what she think of him:
Hmm... I dunno much about him... but i've heard he dont like soccer... like me ^^ so i think i'll going well with him...
When the car stoped she saw Manabu... (They are in same age)
This is what she think of him:
Yay! We are in the same age! How fun! ^^ But he already smoking...
When she steped out (She was last out) she saw Kazuki...
This is what she think of him:
Well.. I guess he is nice... I've meet him once before... but i think he dont remember me...
Whe she started to walk behinde Ruki... (She was almost all hiding behinde Ruki... But she was a bit to tall... hahah poor her!) she saw Jin...
This is what she think:
I've heard he like Mc'Donald's! Same as me! Fun fun fun!
And when she stepped out from Rukis back she saw Byou straring at her...
This is what she think:
I dunno why... But i dont like him...
"Hey! This is my sister Akira! She is in the same age like you Manabu-kun!" Ruki said smiling...
"Hey... I'm Matsumoto Akira... Nice to meet you all... You guys could call me Aki or Yuri... It is up to you..." Akira said bowed looked very innocent and shy at the same time... Make all the Gazette members... (Incloud Keiyuu even he is not GazettE member...) Make the word "Naww~! <3 "
Akira blushed... And Byou stepped a bit closer to her... To be more exactly... it was face to face... it was about 20 cm between thoese two... and Akira just.................
"WHAT THE????? Haruko!! Why did you do like that?!?" Mitsuru screamed at Haruko... Who seems to get really on the mood to kick Mitsuru...
"AND WHY THE HELL DID YOU DO LIKE THAT?!?!?!?" Haurko screamed back...
"Im really sorry everyone!!" Haruko bowed and started to drag Mitsuru back home...
"I'm so sorry... it is just... umm... Srry" Akane said bowed and started to run after Haruko and Mitsuru...
"Woow... Nao what have u done to her?" Hiroto asked looked innocent...
"Just shut up... It's none of your bussiness..." Nao said walked back to the studio....
~**~ At The Same Time With Akira:
"Your son of a bitch Nao!!" Akira said thinking for her self... She had run about a mile or so...
"Ah! Who is this? Isn't this my dear little princess??" Aoi said joking and hugged Akira who seems to be really pissed of (Yes of coz she is!!)
"Aoi! Don't say or touch my little sis like that!" Ruki snapped out to Aoi
"Naww~~! It is so mean!! Then how would i say to my little princess?" Aoi said and pouted...
"I Can't Believe i am your little sis you are 1.62 cm but i'm almost 1.70... for sure i'm 1.68 cm" (It is tall for an 100% asian woman) Akira said with a grin...
"Hahah!! That was so mean Aki-chan!!" Keiyuu (From Kra) said and punched her playful.
"I am just saying the truth!" Akira said back and laughed
"Woow~! It's a big diffrent between you guys togheter Ruki, Keiyuu and Aki-chan!" Aoi said laughed when Akira, Ruki and Keiyuu standed togheter... (Think with your own seeing someone in 1.68 cm and one in 1.56 cm... and so at least someone in 1.62 cm....)
"Haha!! Hey! Akira i think you have grow up to a wonderful woman!" Uruha said and kissed her forehead, Ruki gaved him the "Your so dead!" face to him and started to play around with Reita.
"Rin-chan! Have you some new cooking tips for me yet?" Kai ( No wonder that it is him -,- ) said and smiled his heart melting smile... But for Akira or Rin as only Kai call her... It not making her heart melt... It is just a smile for her...
"hmm... No i don't... Well... Where are you guys going?" Akira said looking sideways to her brother...
"We are going to pick you up from here and we want you to meet all of the "Screw" Members..." Reita said and looked down on Akira's shoes... it was all dirty...
"Emmm... Why?" Akira said looking confused... (She does not really like Screw... She have no reason but she dont like the singer(Byou)... at least she likes Kazuki... Why? I dunno either... How the hell cant i know?!?)
"Because! No need to worry about it Aki-chan!" Keiyuu said and punshed her into the car...
"Okay! I'm going! Why so angry?!?" Akira snapped out to all of them...
It took about an hour or two untill they arrived... This is how Akira saw those person... of coz how she thinks about them too...
When she was in the car before they really stoped she saw Yuuto... (I am using former member...)
this is what she think of him:
Hmm... I dunno much about him... but i've heard he dont like soccer... like me ^^ so i think i'll going well with him...
When the car stoped she saw Manabu... (They are in same age)
This is what she think of him:
Yay! We are in the same age! How fun! ^^ But he already smoking...
When she steped out (She was last out) she saw Kazuki...
This is what she think of him:
Well.. I guess he is nice... I've meet him once before... but i think he dont remember me...
Whe she started to walk behinde Ruki... (She was almost all hiding behinde Ruki... But she was a bit to tall... hahah poor her!) she saw Jin...
This is what she think:
I've heard he like Mc'Donald's! Same as me! Fun fun fun!
And when she stepped out from Rukis back she saw Byou straring at her...
This is what she think:
I dunno why... But i dont like him...
"Hey! This is my sister Akira! She is in the same age like you Manabu-kun!" Ruki said smiling...
"Hey... I'm Matsumoto Akira... Nice to meet you all... You guys could call me Aki or Yuri... It is up to you..." Akira said bowed looked very innocent and shy at the same time... Make all the Gazette members... (Incloud Keiyuu even he is not GazettE member...) Make the word "Naww~! <3 "
Akira blushed... And Byou stepped a bit closer to her... To be more exactly... it was face to face... it was about 20 cm between thoese two... and Akira just.................
My dad is a superstar (Toshiya from Dir en grey) - Your son of a bitch, you know that Nao?! (12)
When they both heard someone scream there names...
"Aaaakira!! Woooow!! You are with Saga from Alice Nine?!? Sugoii!! You both look like a new married couple!!" Mitsuru ran over to Akira and Saga, both of them looked sceard... They didn't want someone to take a pic of them togheter... It wouldn't be so great... if it comes out on internet...
"Aaaakira!! Haruko and Akane is coming too!!!" Mitsuru said out of breathe...
"You can't just run away from us like that Mitsuru!! How much do i gonna tell you that?!?" Haruko screamed meters away from them... Akane still looked sad... after her moms dead... and Akira... that wanted to forget everything that happends that day.... But some part of her memories is coming back now... Mitsuru, Haruko and Akane always think the same... To thanks Nao... For making her remember some parts... but the problem is... she dont know what comes first and what after...
But at the same time... Mitsuru just HATE Nao... For making Akira cry and feel lonely!
"Oh! Kyon-Kun!!" Akane Said runing to Akira jumped and huged her tightly...
"Hahah! Ahh!! Akane!! Are you more fat then i remember you?? Ahh!! So Heavy!!" Akira said while looking really like she is going to die because of Akane... Maybe she is heavy? or?
"Oh!! Ma gosh!! What are the problem you guys dont understand!!" Haruko snapped out when she was walking over to Akira...
~**~ In Haruko's Mine:
Wooow~~! It this Saga From Alice Nine? Hmm... Why is he with Aki? Don't say Nao make her do a favor to him after what he have done to her?
That bastard!! Wait if i see him!!! I am killing him!!
~**~ At the same time in the studio:
"Eh?!? Where is Saga??" Hiroto said while playing his guitarr...
"Maybe he just knocked into someone on the way here" Nao said with a grin...
"What do you mean Nao? Do you mean like he meet a girl that he falled from the first sight?" Shou said laughing about what he just said. xD
"Hahahah! Maybe Shou! Maybe!" Nao said and laughed with Shou...
"Both of you! I think we maybe call him to see if he is okay?" Tora said... but still he laughed about what Shou and Nao talked about...
"Well... Why not taking the way Saga is going to use to come here? We can go and see if he is there... Right?" Nao said and walked up to the door...
"Yeah sure" The rest of Alice Nine member said... They started to walk...
~**~ Whit Saga:
"Well... Umm... Akira... Wh-" Saga got cuted off by Akira that said
"This is Haruko, Akane and Mitsuru!" Haruko, Akane and Mitsuru bowed and said
"Hi Nice to meet you! I'm Haruko!"
"Hello! I'm Akane! Nice to meet you!"
"yo! I hope you take good care of my little Aki-chan?!" Mitsuru snapped out and hugged Akira...
"Emmm... How could i be little when i am just 3 years younger then your sis? I'm 20 and ur sis 23... ur 14 Akane is 15... So!! im still older then you!!" Akira said and laughed...
"Oh! Nice to meet you guys!!" Saga said and bowed...
~**~ With Nao:
"Dose Saga use this way to the studio? It is so beauitful here... With all the sakura tree's..." Shou said looking around...
"Yeah he always use this way and-" Nao got cuted off when Hiroto screamed...
"There!! There!! There!! Saga is there!! With some girls i think!" Saga and the others heard Hiroto's voice before even see him... (He screamed REALLY loud...)
Akira got shocked because if Hiroto is coming then Nao will come to...
~**~ In Akira's Mine:
Nao!! Your bastard!! I'm going to kill you!! Why did you come here? With the other members too!! Ahh!!! What I'm suppost to do now?!? Ah!!...
Well... I think... I got to face you... My heart say no... but my body want's to run away... from everything now...
~**~ Real life:
"umm... See you guys later i think i wanna run a bit... It is cold..." Akira said and started to run...
She passed Hiroto but he just looked confused at her then gave her a hug smile...
"Saga!! Where have you been?!?" Hiroto waved to Saga that waved back, when Hiroto saw Mitsuru he stoped and blushed
~**~ In Hiroto's Mine:
Wooow!~~ S-S-S-S-S-She is soo KAWAIII!!!! Wooow!!
~**~ Real life:
Akira passed first Shou that looked back when she passed and made a "Woow... She is fast..." face
When she passed Tora he didn't noticed her... But when she passed Nao... He smirked and said
"Domo arigato gozaimashita Akira-kun... Daijoubu desuka?" Akira Snapped out quite "Your son of a bitch!"
"Hahah!" Nao said while walking... Akira ran even faster... away so no one could see her anymore...
"Saga! Who are this?!?" Hiroto said pointed on Mitsuru... She made an "Wtf" face and said " Watashi wa Kotobuki Mitsuru... and ur.. Hiroto the guitarrist from Alice Nine?..." She said and looked sideways at him...
"Saga!! Where have you been?!?" Shou said but blushed really hard when he saw Haruko...
"This is Haruko, Mitsuru and Akane!" Saga said pointed on them
"Haruko desu! I'm Sister to Mitsuru and this is Our dear friend A-" Haruko got cuted off by Nao that said
"Watanabe Akane... But for now it is Hara Akane... right?" he smirked and walked to Saga...
"YOU SON OF A BITCH YOU KNOW THAT NAO?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? HOW DO YOU EVEN DARE TO MAKE HER CRY?!?!?!?!?! I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!!!!" Mitsuru said when............
"Aaaakira!! Woooow!! You are with Saga from Alice Nine?!? Sugoii!! You both look like a new married couple!!" Mitsuru ran over to Akira and Saga, both of them looked sceard... They didn't want someone to take a pic of them togheter... It wouldn't be so great... if it comes out on internet...
"Aaaakira!! Haruko and Akane is coming too!!!" Mitsuru said out of breathe...
"You can't just run away from us like that Mitsuru!! How much do i gonna tell you that?!?" Haruko screamed meters away from them... Akane still looked sad... after her moms dead... and Akira... that wanted to forget everything that happends that day.... But some part of her memories is coming back now... Mitsuru, Haruko and Akane always think the same... To thanks Nao... For making her remember some parts... but the problem is... she dont know what comes first and what after...
But at the same time... Mitsuru just HATE Nao... For making Akira cry and feel lonely!
"Oh! Kyon-Kun!!" Akane Said runing to Akira jumped and huged her tightly...
"Hahah! Ahh!! Akane!! Are you more fat then i remember you?? Ahh!! So Heavy!!" Akira said while looking really like she is going to die because of Akane... Maybe she is heavy? or?
"Oh!! Ma gosh!! What are the problem you guys dont understand!!" Haruko snapped out when she was walking over to Akira...
~**~ In Haruko's Mine:
Wooow~~! It this Saga From Alice Nine? Hmm... Why is he with Aki? Don't say Nao make her do a favor to him after what he have done to her?
That bastard!! Wait if i see him!!! I am killing him!!
~**~ At the same time in the studio:
"Eh?!? Where is Saga??" Hiroto said while playing his guitarr...
"Maybe he just knocked into someone on the way here" Nao said with a grin...
"What do you mean Nao? Do you mean like he meet a girl that he falled from the first sight?" Shou said laughing about what he just said. xD
"Hahahah! Maybe Shou! Maybe!" Nao said and laughed with Shou...
"Both of you! I think we maybe call him to see if he is okay?" Tora said... but still he laughed about what Shou and Nao talked about...
"Well... Why not taking the way Saga is going to use to come here? We can go and see if he is there... Right?" Nao said and walked up to the door...
"Yeah sure" The rest of Alice Nine member said... They started to walk...
~**~ Whit Saga:
"Well... Umm... Akira... Wh-" Saga got cuted off by Akira that said
"This is Haruko, Akane and Mitsuru!" Haruko, Akane and Mitsuru bowed and said
"Hi Nice to meet you! I'm Haruko!"
"Hello! I'm Akane! Nice to meet you!"
"yo! I hope you take good care of my little Aki-chan?!" Mitsuru snapped out and hugged Akira...
"Emmm... How could i be little when i am just 3 years younger then your sis? I'm 20 and ur sis 23... ur 14 Akane is 15... So!! im still older then you!!" Akira said and laughed...
"Oh! Nice to meet you guys!!" Saga said and bowed...
~**~ With Nao:
"Dose Saga use this way to the studio? It is so beauitful here... With all the sakura tree's..." Shou said looking around...
"Yeah he always use this way and-" Nao got cuted off when Hiroto screamed...
"There!! There!! There!! Saga is there!! With some girls i think!" Saga and the others heard Hiroto's voice before even see him... (He screamed REALLY loud...)
Akira got shocked because if Hiroto is coming then Nao will come to...
~**~ In Akira's Mine:
Nao!! Your bastard!! I'm going to kill you!! Why did you come here? With the other members too!! Ahh!!! What I'm suppost to do now?!? Ah!!...
Well... I think... I got to face you... My heart say no... but my body want's to run away... from everything now...
~**~ Real life:
"umm... See you guys later i think i wanna run a bit... It is cold..." Akira said and started to run...
She passed Hiroto but he just looked confused at her then gave her a hug smile...
"Saga!! Where have you been?!?" Hiroto waved to Saga that waved back, when Hiroto saw Mitsuru he stoped and blushed
~**~ In Hiroto's Mine:
Wooow!~~ S-S-S-S-S-She is soo KAWAIII!!!! Wooow!!
~**~ Real life:
Akira passed first Shou that looked back when she passed and made a "Woow... She is fast..." face
When she passed Tora he didn't noticed her... But when she passed Nao... He smirked and said
"Domo arigato gozaimashita Akira-kun... Daijoubu desuka?" Akira Snapped out quite "Your son of a bitch!"
"Hahah!" Nao said while walking... Akira ran even faster... away so no one could see her anymore...
"Saga! Who are this?!?" Hiroto said pointed on Mitsuru... She made an "Wtf" face and said " Watashi wa Kotobuki Mitsuru... and ur.. Hiroto the guitarrist from Alice Nine?..." She said and looked sideways at him...
"Saga!! Where have you been?!?" Shou said but blushed really hard when he saw Haruko...
"This is Haruko, Mitsuru and Akane!" Saga said pointed on them
"Haruko desu! I'm Sister to Mitsuru and this is Our dear friend A-" Haruko got cuted off by Nao that said
"Watanabe Akane... But for now it is Hara Akane... right?" he smirked and walked to Saga...
"YOU SON OF A BITCH YOU KNOW THAT NAO?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? HOW DO YOU EVEN DARE TO MAKE HER CRY?!?!?!?!?! I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!!!!" Mitsuru said when............
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Kotobuki Mitsuru (You're so Kawaii! My angel...) |
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Amano Shinji (You're so stupid... someone passed but you didn't even noticed?!?) |
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Kotobuki Haruko (What do you think about a vocalist that you hate fall for you?) |
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Matsumoto Akira (You runing really fast... Your devil...) |
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Kohara Kazamasa (You don't have a chance on her, know that?) |
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Murai Naoyuki (Your son of a bitch) |
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Sakamoto Takashi (You are so fooled by desteny...) |
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Ogata Hiroto (You love a lesbian you know that?!?) |
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Hara Akane (Watanabe) |
My dad is a superstar (Toshiya from Dir en grey) - Help from the desteny (11)
Saga started to cry even more... and then... Akira just sang " Lacrimosa dies illa... Qua resurget ex favilla... Judicandus homo reus... Huic ergo parce, Deus. Pie Jesu Domine... Judicandus homo reus... Huic ergo parce, Deus. Pie Jesu Domine
(Tear ful was that day... From which the ashes will rise... The guilty man is condemned... So have mercy on him lord... Compassionate lord jesus... The guilty man is condemend... So have mercy on him lord... Compassionate lord jesus...)"
Saga stoped crying and ran after her... Hugged her tightly and said "Pleas, Pleas, Pleas, Pleas! Help me!!..." scilence layed down beetwen Akira and Saga...
"How could i help you?..." Akira said turning around to face Saga and smiled... "Can you let me free from thoese lovely and painful day...?... Could you make... me spreed my wings and fly up to this big black sky?... again?..." Saga looked straight in to her eyes...
"Painful... Painful sorrow... that is what you are... You know what you want... but don't know how to get it... Memories you both love and hate... You want to forget them but at the same time you want to keep it... The same as you kept your gf... Didn't let her go and either let her in..." Akira slightly touched Sagas cheek and smirk...
"I'll help you... But if you don't make it or make me lots of problem i'll leave you... once again... are you really sure?..."
"Yeah!! I want!! I would do anything that make me forget and leave it back!!" Saga Said...
~**~ In Akira's Mine:
This game start to be funny... Hmmm... Now... I understand why you called me... Nao-kun... Hmmm... You wanted me to help him... Is that right?... Well... Don't get mad at me... If I are making an angel to fall from heaven... Down to hell... Making... The ring of... Hmmm... Wonder... What ring thoese he have?... Tell me... Nao!
Make me know why... He didn't let her go or either let her in... Hmmm... Maybe i will see this as a dare from you... *grins* Well... Nao don't get mad at me as i said before... If I make him hurt even more... If I making he cry... And if so... You know I'll leave him... Exactly... You know i'm not going to make him cry? Right? Then... What am i making him feel... after this?... Hmmm... Nao!... Your son of a bitch!... I hate you!... You really make my day going so damn wrong!! Ah!
You make into this shit don't get mad at me!
~**~ In Saga's Mine:
I... Wonder... Why... Is this... My desteny... To meet her?... Or...?
I don't know... But... Something about her... Is really much... Familiar to me... But what?... I don't know... Let the time past and see... If I figured out... Why... She is so... Familiar...
Hmmm... And why... Did she want to help me?... She is... So... Haha... I don't know what to say anymore... Something about her... Not that she is familiar... Something more about her... Make me feel... At... Home... I most sound really stupid now... but... Well... I don't know...
Real life:
"Well... Saga-kun... See you tomorrow... Here is my nummber... you can call me when ever you want..." Akira said smiling and leaved... really fast...
Saga just stood there wondering... Then next day... Saga and Akira.... Meet under there way to the studio... Why? Well thi what happening in the morning at Matsumoto's house...
At Matsumoto's house:
"Akira-Kun! A phone call for you!! From Nao!!" Ruki screamed to Akira that where changing her clothes...
"Yeah i'm coming wait ne!" Akira yelled out an then ran out from the restroom and had her shirt half on her head and other half down her body...
"Here" Ruki gived Akira the phone and leaved...
"What?!?" Akira snapped out.
"Hahah! Are you still mad at me? Well.. I'm srry for that day... I... I... I... I... I.. Didn't mean to hurt you like that... Pleas forgive me?" Nao said sweet and he didn't expect that Akira would say... It was okay...
"Hmmm... That day... Well... I forgive you.. But... What do you want from me now? If it's about Saga... The don't get mad if I'm making an angel fall from heaven down to hell... But well... What do you want?" Akira said a bit shy...
"Thank you so much... But i really didn't mean to hurt you like that... And... No... I don't get mad if you make Saga fall to hell... But i'll Tease you... Everytime i meet you..." Nao said laughing...
"Hahaha!!" Akira laughing...
but deep in her heart she screaming.... crying... hurting... even more... and when she talk to Nao... she hurt and scream even more... then what she could have in her heart... she can be knocked down every minute... but she still face the pain... with hope that someday... Her prince from all thoese fairytale in her childhood... Will come.. even she know that it will never happend... When she met Nao from the first time... She thought that Nao was her prince from the fairytales she have read... But in the end... she nderstand that it wasn't... but she said to herselfe... "Remember thoese day with him... it was fun... no painful at all... But... Mitsuru seems to be mad at me.. because i am with Nao almost everyday when he is free from his job... -but no... i haven't forget her..."
"Well.. What i am going to do?" Akira came back to life and asked Nao.
"You know the way to the studio?" Nao asked her
"Yes i haven't forget the way... Wait! Don't say you want me to meet Saga there?" Akira snapped out fast.
"Hehe ^^" Yeah... Akira... I want you to meet him there... Make him think it is the desteny...so... pleas... go to him?... Be his princess... just for awhile... untill he comes back to life again?... Akira?..." Nao said deep...
"Okay... when is he going?" Akira smiled and asked.
"If you go out now you well maybe see him... Just keep on walking... If you dont see him... go all the way to the studio..." Nao said
"No way!! The way from my home to the studio i way to long!!" Akira snapped out but it was to late.. Nao already hung up...
"Your son of a bitch Nao!!" Akira screamed made everyone in the family Matsumoto look at her...
"Hehe ^^" Gomen ne!" She bowed and leaved the house... she half ran and go... looking after Saga... Then she saw his back... She started to slow down and started to sing
"And so i watch my sweet boy fall fast asleep... like the ember dying slwoly in the fire..."
Saga stoped and looked back and saw Akira smiling and walked over to him...
"Saga we meet once again ^^ where you going?" Akira said looking sideway at him...
"Im going to the studio... and you?" Saga said blushed and smiled back...
"I'm taking a walk... I want to see the Sakura trees" She said and walked beside Saga...
"Wooow! Sugoii!! Look Doesn't it look beautiful? Saga?" Akira ran to stand under one of the Sakura trees and picked a Sakura blossom from the ground.
Saga walked over to her and took the Sakura blossom from her and said...
"Here... Let see if you look beatuiful like the Sakura blossom it selfe?..." Saga grins at her and put the
Sakura blossom on her ear... Akira punshed him playful.
When they both heard someone....
(Tear ful was that day... From which the ashes will rise... The guilty man is condemned... So have mercy on him lord... Compassionate lord jesus... The guilty man is condemend... So have mercy on him lord... Compassionate lord jesus...)"
Saga stoped crying and ran after her... Hugged her tightly and said "Pleas, Pleas, Pleas, Pleas! Help me!!..." scilence layed down beetwen Akira and Saga...
"How could i help you?..." Akira said turning around to face Saga and smiled... "Can you let me free from thoese lovely and painful day...?... Could you make... me spreed my wings and fly up to this big black sky?... again?..." Saga looked straight in to her eyes...
"Painful... Painful sorrow... that is what you are... You know what you want... but don't know how to get it... Memories you both love and hate... You want to forget them but at the same time you want to keep it... The same as you kept your gf... Didn't let her go and either let her in..." Akira slightly touched Sagas cheek and smirk...
"I'll help you... But if you don't make it or make me lots of problem i'll leave you... once again... are you really sure?..."
"Yeah!! I want!! I would do anything that make me forget and leave it back!!" Saga Said...
~**~ In Akira's Mine:
This game start to be funny... Hmmm... Now... I understand why you called me... Nao-kun... Hmmm... You wanted me to help him... Is that right?... Well... Don't get mad at me... If I are making an angel to fall from heaven... Down to hell... Making... The ring of... Hmmm... Wonder... What ring thoese he have?... Tell me... Nao!
Make me know why... He didn't let her go or either let her in... Hmmm... Maybe i will see this as a dare from you... *grins* Well... Nao don't get mad at me as i said before... If I make him hurt even more... If I making he cry... And if so... You know I'll leave him... Exactly... You know i'm not going to make him cry? Right? Then... What am i making him feel... after this?... Hmmm... Nao!... Your son of a bitch!... I hate you!... You really make my day going so damn wrong!! Ah!
You make into this shit don't get mad at me!
~**~ In Saga's Mine:
I... Wonder... Why... Is this... My desteny... To meet her?... Or...?
I don't know... But... Something about her... Is really much... Familiar to me... But what?... I don't know... Let the time past and see... If I figured out... Why... She is so... Familiar...
Hmmm... And why... Did she want to help me?... She is... So... Haha... I don't know what to say anymore... Something about her... Not that she is familiar... Something more about her... Make me feel... At... Home... I most sound really stupid now... but... Well... I don't know...
Real life:
"Well... Saga-kun... See you tomorrow... Here is my nummber... you can call me when ever you want..." Akira said smiling and leaved... really fast...
Saga just stood there wondering... Then next day... Saga and Akira.... Meet under there way to the studio... Why? Well thi what happening in the morning at Matsumoto's house...
At Matsumoto's house:
"Akira-Kun! A phone call for you!! From Nao!!" Ruki screamed to Akira that where changing her clothes...
"Yeah i'm coming wait ne!" Akira yelled out an then ran out from the restroom and had her shirt half on her head and other half down her body...
"Here" Ruki gived Akira the phone and leaved...
"What?!?" Akira snapped out.
"Hahah! Are you still mad at me? Well.. I'm srry for that day... I... I... I... I... I.. Didn't mean to hurt you like that... Pleas forgive me?" Nao said sweet and he didn't expect that Akira would say... It was okay...
"Hmmm... That day... Well... I forgive you.. But... What do you want from me now? If it's about Saga... The don't get mad if I'm making an angel fall from heaven down to hell... But well... What do you want?" Akira said a bit shy...
"Thank you so much... But i really didn't mean to hurt you like that... And... No... I don't get mad if you make Saga fall to hell... But i'll Tease you... Everytime i meet you..." Nao said laughing...
"Hahaha!!" Akira laughing...
but deep in her heart she screaming.... crying... hurting... even more... and when she talk to Nao... she hurt and scream even more... then what she could have in her heart... she can be knocked down every minute... but she still face the pain... with hope that someday... Her prince from all thoese fairytale in her childhood... Will come.. even she know that it will never happend... When she met Nao from the first time... She thought that Nao was her prince from the fairytales she have read... But in the end... she nderstand that it wasn't... but she said to herselfe... "Remember thoese day with him... it was fun... no painful at all... But... Mitsuru seems to be mad at me.. because i am with Nao almost everyday when he is free from his job... -but no... i haven't forget her..."
"Well.. What i am going to do?" Akira came back to life and asked Nao.
"You know the way to the studio?" Nao asked her
"Yes i haven't forget the way... Wait! Don't say you want me to meet Saga there?" Akira snapped out fast.
"Hehe ^^" Yeah... Akira... I want you to meet him there... Make him think it is the desteny...so... pleas... go to him?... Be his princess... just for awhile... untill he comes back to life again?... Akira?..." Nao said deep...
"Okay... when is he going?" Akira smiled and asked.
"If you go out now you well maybe see him... Just keep on walking... If you dont see him... go all the way to the studio..." Nao said
"No way!! The way from my home to the studio i way to long!!" Akira snapped out but it was to late.. Nao already hung up...
"Your son of a bitch Nao!!" Akira screamed made everyone in the family Matsumoto look at her...
"Hehe ^^" Gomen ne!" She bowed and leaved the house... she half ran and go... looking after Saga... Then she saw his back... She started to slow down and started to sing
"And so i watch my sweet boy fall fast asleep... like the ember dying slwoly in the fire..."
Saga stoped and looked back and saw Akira smiling and walked over to him...
"Saga we meet once again ^^ where you going?" Akira said looking sideway at him...
"Im going to the studio... and you?" Saga said blushed and smiled back...
"I'm taking a walk... I want to see the Sakura trees" She said and walked beside Saga...
"Wooow! Sugoii!! Look Doesn't it look beautiful? Saga?" Akira ran to stand under one of the Sakura trees and picked a Sakura blossom from the ground.
Saga walked over to her and took the Sakura blossom from her and said...
"Here... Let see if you look beatuiful like the Sakura blossom it selfe?..." Saga grins at her and put the
Sakura blossom on her ear... Akira punshed him playful.
When they both heard someone....
Happy Songkran Na jaaa!!! <3 xD
In english is means "To pass" or "move into" ( I just knw that "Song" means "Give" for an easy translation!... So the information is from http://www.learnthaiwithmod.com/ .... And my mom did end up as nothing for help... SHE DIDN'T EVEN TRY!!! xP
Well... Well... Well... It is Songkran so... Im trying to be happy... xC
And today is Mae's birthday!! Happy Birthday naa jaa!! (I knw... I've already told her... but... ! WHAT EVER!!!
And i could not meet her today!! xC
Buhuhuhuhu!! But tomorrow Im going to "Östasiatiska Museum" to "Songkran" Who wants to meet me can meet me there xD Just kidding... But i guess it will be fun... Then at 21/4 (This month) Im going to "Körsbärsblommas dag" In "Kungsträdgården" I want to take some few friends.. but they cant... i guess... x
But well... For today i've got to say...
Baii Nyappy!! o(≧∀≦)o
(Did i tell "An Cafe" is back? o.0? Well!! They are!!! xD xD xD xD xD xD xD )
// Keniiji-sama
In english is means "To pass" or "move into" ( I just knw that "Song" means "Give" for an easy translation!... So the information is from http://www.learnthaiwithmod.com/ .... And my mom did end up as nothing for help... SHE DIDN'T EVEN TRY!!! xP
Well... Well... Well... It is Songkran so... Im trying to be happy... xC
And today is Mae's birthday!! Happy Birthday naa jaa!! (I knw... I've already told her... but... ! WHAT EVER!!!
And i could not meet her today!! xC
Buhuhuhuhu!! But tomorrow Im going to "Östasiatiska Museum" to "Songkran" Who wants to meet me can meet me there xD Just kidding... But i guess it will be fun... Then at 21/4 (This month) Im going to "Körsbärsblommas dag" In "Kungsträdgården" I want to take some few friends.. but they cant... i guess... x
But well... For today i've got to say...
Baii Nyappy!! o(≧∀≦)o
(Did i tell "An Cafe" is back? o.0? Well!! They are!!! xD xD xD xD xD xD xD )
// Keniiji-sama
My life as Akira....
Konbanwa minna!!! xD
Well After a while i haven't post at all... Hmmm... so today i'll make it as long as i can get with out beging disturb!
Welll Today i just find out why Suzuki Akira sounded so familiar in my ears... Is Reita the bassist from "The GazettE" And the fun is 2 years ago my Cousin called me for Akira... Like "Akira! can you help me?!"And my cousin, got a "Suzuki Hayate 125 Geser Suzuki Skywave" and i always liked it! and the name Suzuki i think before like "Wooow!! it is a cool name!" And then when i started to listening to The GazettE and find out what Reitas name is... and i was like... "Hehehe ^^" Maybe change the name Suzuki to Watanabe...
Oh! And now i'm chating with Mahen... He is soo perverted... usch! xC
Well lots of things have happend like my friends Sara's birthday party! The pancake homework! and i highlight my hair yesterday!! Well why just don't show some pic instead of making everyone wonder?! xD
I dont really like it... hehe ^^"
and some more pic! the present i bought for my friend!
And before i draw Naruto from the manga and anime Naruto!!
Well it is very late now!! so baii baii!! xD
Well After a while i haven't post at all... Hmmm... so today i'll make it as long as i can get with out beging disturb!
Welll Today i just find out why Suzuki Akira sounded so familiar in my ears... Is Reita the bassist from "The GazettE" And the fun is 2 years ago my Cousin called me for Akira... Like "Akira! can you help me?!"And my cousin, got a "Suzuki Hayate 125 Geser Suzuki Skywave" and i always liked it! and the name Suzuki i think before like "Wooow!! it is a cool name!" And then when i started to listening to The GazettE and find out what Reitas name is... and i was like... "Hehehe ^^" Maybe change the name Suzuki to Watanabe...
Oh! And now i'm chating with Mahen... He is soo perverted... usch! xC
Well lots of things have happend like my friends Sara's birthday party! The pancake homework! and i highlight my hair yesterday!! Well why just don't show some pic instead of making everyone wonder?! xD
![]() |
I dont really like it... hehe ^^"
and some more pic! the present i bought for my friend!
![]() | |||
This is how i did dress like xD |
And before i draw Naruto from the manga and anime Naruto!!
Well it is very late now!! so baii baii!! xD
Fine with me...
It is fine with me, if you hate me... I don't care...
I don't give a shit if you call me idiot or just want me to dissaper...!
Jag kunde ha DÖDAT dig... Vrf nt sluta fred? Hahah! Om jag skulle säga något sånt skulle det bli ett mirakel...
2 person from diffrent world isn't the same... One got talent but the another one got passion... The one with there passion go to 100% for music... But the talented one give just 50% for music...
The passined one give 00.00% about school... But the talented one give 100% for school....
2 person diffrent path, same relationship... If they both just met under same path... there way to the life after school... Who will become famous... Who will become stanger?
Still want to see... and now the answer is up to both... Music or school? Love or friend? Hate or Love?
I want to knw... I want to spred my wings and fly across this endless sky...
I don't give a shit if you call me idiot or just want me to dissaper...!
Jag kunde ha DÖDAT dig... Vrf nt sluta fred? Hahah! Om jag skulle säga något sånt skulle det bli ett mirakel...
2 person from diffrent world isn't the same... One got talent but the another one got passion... The one with there passion go to 100% for music... But the talented one give just 50% for music...
The passined one give 00.00% about school... But the talented one give 100% for school....
2 person diffrent path, same relationship... If they both just met under same path... there way to the life after school... Who will become famous... Who will become stanger?
Still want to see... and now the answer is up to both... Music or school? Love or friend? Hate or Love?
I want to knw... I want to spred my wings and fly across this endless sky...
My dad is a superstar (Toshiya from Dir en grey) - "My rose will you come back to me?" (10)
"Why did you leave me? I Love you! Can't you see?" Saga said everyone looked confused at each other....
"Why didn't you show me that you love me then? You said you don't care anymore... Then i gotta leave you... like i said from the first time..."
* 3 years ago *
" A-Akira... umm... Would you mine if i ask you something?" Saga said looking down on his shoes... It was 6 month after they meet... Because of an little accident...
They've meet on a cold winter day, the heavy pure white snow was falling down slowly and beatuifully.
Silence was down on tokyos street's... Akira walked home from her part time work, when she saw a guy siting down on the ground crying... He was all wet... Akira walked over to him slowly and said "Emm... Excuse me... But are you okay? Aren't you cold? What happend... Can i help you?" She said looking at him sweetly.
He just looked at her and start to cry even more, Akira looked woried then smiled and sat down infront of him... She took her hand and wiped his tears away and sang...
" Soshite bouya wa nemuri ni tsuita
ikizuku hai no naka no honoo
hitotsu, futatsu to ukabu fukurami itoshii yokogao
daichi ni taruru ikusen no yume, yume
Gin no hitomi no yuragu yoru ni
umare ochita kagayaku omae
ikuoku no toshitsuki ga
ikutsu inori wo tsuchi e kaesshitemo
Watashi wa inori tsuzukeru
douka konoko ni ai wo
tsunaida te ni kisu wo"... Saga looked up to her and gived a confused face to her...
"In english is means "hands sealed by a kiss "A small child had fallen into a deep sleep Among the gray ash shining flames One, then another rise and the growing face my beloved Filtered to the ground a thousand dreams, dream On the night of the quake silver eyes birth to a glossy "you" Hundreds of millions of months and years No matter how many prayers will return to earth I will continue to pray Please, give this child love
and a kiss on the joined hands."
Saga looked even more confused...
"Who are you?" Saga said looking both angry and sad...
"I'm A- no... Im not telling you untill you tell me what have happend to you..." Akira said smiling. Saga said in a sad tone...
"My girlfriend dumped me... She said im stupid... that i don't really love her... that she dont want me in her life anymore..." Akira looked seriously and said
"What have done to her? What have you done that makes her, dont want you in her life? She can't hate you if you haven't done something to her that makes her hate you... Right? so tell me... pleas?" Saga looked shocked but come to life and said...
"I didn't let her go... I keept her alone... Alone between darkness and sadness... Her shadow of sorrow, her soul of light. I didn't let her go and either let her in... I know it is my fault... Now she is gone... Somewhere else... But not here beside me... Like she always is... If you were her... Would you... Stay or go?..." Saga said and waited for an answer, Akira just noded and said...
"... I dunno... I would... Go... If someone keept me... All alone... I would probebly... Leave... I would not look back at the one that let me alone... between darkness and sadness... All Alone... I would be all alone... Instead of... Beging keept but can't go in... Or go out... Why didn't you let her go or either let her in?" Akira looked down and looked sad...
"I... I want her... but i dunno what to make her smile... For awhile... I thought we would have a family... But instead... the band came always first... and my bandmates didn't know... i had a grilfriend... She is across the world now i guess... Now i regret that i didn't make her fell importent, why i don't know too... But i miss her..." Saga said and looked at Akira...
"You can't regret now! It is all your fault! Then Stop beging a loser and move on! Let her go! Now maybe she is with someone that see what she is worth! You can't make her smile! Maybe the one for her make her both cry and smile! But you just make her cry and feel alone! Be glad now she maybe got a family and someone that loves her dont ler her go but the person let her in!" Akira snapped out looked very angry and get up on her feet and started to walk home again...
"Sorry..." Saga whispered...
Akira stoped and said "It is to late for an apologize... You could have let her go and then said 'I'm sorry for making you cry and feel alone i wish you all good luck in your new life without me..' you could have say like that but you instead, let... her cry..."
Saga started to cry even more... and then...
"Why didn't you show me that you love me then? You said you don't care anymore... Then i gotta leave you... like i said from the first time..."
* 3 years ago *
" A-Akira... umm... Would you mine if i ask you something?" Saga said looking down on his shoes... It was 6 month after they meet... Because of an little accident...
They've meet on a cold winter day, the heavy pure white snow was falling down slowly and beatuifully.
Silence was down on tokyos street's... Akira walked home from her part time work, when she saw a guy siting down on the ground crying... He was all wet... Akira walked over to him slowly and said "Emm... Excuse me... But are you okay? Aren't you cold? What happend... Can i help you?" She said looking at him sweetly.
He just looked at her and start to cry even more, Akira looked woried then smiled and sat down infront of him... She took her hand and wiped his tears away and sang...
" Soshite bouya wa nemuri ni tsuita
ikizuku hai no naka no honoo
hitotsu, futatsu to ukabu fukurami itoshii yokogao
daichi ni taruru ikusen no yume, yume
Gin no hitomi no yuragu yoru ni
umare ochita kagayaku omae
ikuoku no toshitsuki ga
ikutsu inori wo tsuchi e kaesshitemo
Watashi wa inori tsuzukeru
douka konoko ni ai wo
tsunaida te ni kisu wo"... Saga looked up to her and gived a confused face to her...
"In english is means "hands sealed by a kiss "A small child had fallen into a deep sleep Among the gray ash shining flames One, then another rise and the growing face my beloved Filtered to the ground a thousand dreams, dream On the night of the quake silver eyes birth to a glossy "you" Hundreds of millions of months and years No matter how many prayers will return to earth I will continue to pray Please, give this child love
and a kiss on the joined hands."
Saga looked even more confused...
"Who are you?" Saga said looking both angry and sad...
"I'm A- no... Im not telling you untill you tell me what have happend to you..." Akira said smiling. Saga said in a sad tone...
"My girlfriend dumped me... She said im stupid... that i don't really love her... that she dont want me in her life anymore..." Akira looked seriously and said
"What have done to her? What have you done that makes her, dont want you in her life? She can't hate you if you haven't done something to her that makes her hate you... Right? so tell me... pleas?" Saga looked shocked but come to life and said...
"I didn't let her go... I keept her alone... Alone between darkness and sadness... Her shadow of sorrow, her soul of light. I didn't let her go and either let her in... I know it is my fault... Now she is gone... Somewhere else... But not here beside me... Like she always is... If you were her... Would you... Stay or go?..." Saga said and waited for an answer, Akira just noded and said...
"... I dunno... I would... Go... If someone keept me... All alone... I would probebly... Leave... I would not look back at the one that let me alone... between darkness and sadness... All Alone... I would be all alone... Instead of... Beging keept but can't go in... Or go out... Why didn't you let her go or either let her in?" Akira looked down and looked sad...
"I... I want her... but i dunno what to make her smile... For awhile... I thought we would have a family... But instead... the band came always first... and my bandmates didn't know... i had a grilfriend... She is across the world now i guess... Now i regret that i didn't make her fell importent, why i don't know too... But i miss her..." Saga said and looked at Akira...
"You can't regret now! It is all your fault! Then Stop beging a loser and move on! Let her go! Now maybe she is with someone that see what she is worth! You can't make her smile! Maybe the one for her make her both cry and smile! But you just make her cry and feel alone! Be glad now she maybe got a family and someone that loves her dont ler her go but the person let her in!" Akira snapped out looked very angry and get up on her feet and started to walk home again...
"Sorry..." Saga whispered...
Akira stoped and said "It is to late for an apologize... You could have let her go and then said 'I'm sorry for making you cry and feel alone i wish you all good luck in your new life without me..' you could have say like that but you instead, let... her cry..."
Saga started to cry even more... and then...
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