One Summer's Day 3
"Nee... Hiko-chan... You know when we first met... I thought you was the most annyoing and foolish person that I've ever met. Funny isn't it? But you know what? After awhile i started to like you...
I Miss you... Come home soon and take care of yourself while you are there!
// Shirakawa Akane "
One hot day in spring
* Misaki Sakura's pov*"Wake up... Sakura! Wake up! Wake up!! Breakfast is ready! When do you go to school? It's 06:30 am now! wake up!"
A familiar voice said to me but i was to lazy to get up...
"Wake uuuuuuuuuuuup~"
"Oooo-oooh~~ ! Can't i sleep a little longer?" I mumbled out
"Yeah sure you can but first tell me when your school starts today?!"
"You know it takes more then 45 minutes from here to your school? and it's already 06:33 am! So better wake up!!!"
"Eeeeee-eeeeh~!? Really?! Why didn't you tell me that?!" I screamed as i rushed to the restroom... Which in my home is a restroom in Nimura-kuns apartment it is the kitchen... So epic fail for me this morning ^-^
"What are you doing? Here i'll go pic your school uniform!"
"eee-eeh? Did you wash my school unifrom?"
"Yeah... I saw it was dirty and i was going to wash mine to so i took yours too... Sorry for not asking you... but here!"
Why are you so kind to me Nimura-kun? Don't you know i'm just gonna hurt you? Who ever is kind to me.. I'll always end up hurting them... after all they've done to me!
"I'm so sorry for bothering you... you are so kind!" Nimura-kun just smiled at me at my comment...
"Breakfast is done... Come let's go eat!" She said to me and smiled... Did she wait for me to wake up and eat together?...Why so kind?
*Normal pov*
After Kisaki and Sakura was done with there breakfast they got out from the old apartment and walked down the street, untill they came to the crossroad...
"Nimura-kun! Arigato for today and yesterday! ja ne! and don't come late to music school!" Sakura said and waved to Kisaki and runned to the train station while Kisaki would only walk her way alone to school...
*Nimura Kisaki's pov*
Why? Sooner or later I'll leave Tokyo... But why do i make friends now? How ridicilous am i? Why?
You shouldn't have come in to my life Sakura-chan...
*At school (Kisaki)*
"Hey! Mura-kun~ You know today is my birthday~" Shota said and jumped on my back as i took his legs not to make him fall down.
"Oh~Really?! Happy birthday then! I don't have a present but what you say i'm going to do for you!! I said and he laughed
"Everything i want?"
"not everything of cours, but at least what i am able to do" Then from nowhere Shota kissed my cheek...
"Eeee-eeeh?" I was speechless and then he just said
"Sorry!" and he jumped off of my back and ran away...
"Woow~ Nimura Kisaki got a kiss from cute Kazuki Shota! How could a loser like you get a kiss from him?" that one girl that i really do hate said and walked away.
what have i done!?!?
* Misaki Sakura's pov*
"Are you daydreaming Rura-chan? Why you look so so happy but at the same time so so sad?" Katori-sensei said and smiled to me...
"Ah~ Nothing... I'm sorry" I said and walked away~
What is this feeling? I just want to go back to Nimura-kuns home and wait for her to come home and do something for her... I want to... want to... Be by her side....
*4 years before at Midori music school academy*
"I thank you all for chosing our music school and hope you have 4 wonderful years~ Even though this isn't a real school with maths and so on But still i hope you have fun here and learn much!" the principal said and bowed
"Please Piano student's follow me to your classroom's" Sakamoto Miyuki 2nd year student in piano
"Please Song student's follow me to your classroom's" Yutaka Yui 2nd year student in song
"ummm... You... dropped this" Little Takashima Sachiko Said to her New Senpai Sakamoto Miyuki and gave Miyuki her necklace that she dropped.
"Oh~ Thank you! This one is really important to me! Where did you find it? I didn't even noticed that i dropped it!" Miyuki said and smiled bright
"You're welcome... you walked and then it just fell off your neck and my brother always says "If you see someone droppe some thing and don't recognize call there name or if you don't know say "Hey you, you dropped something" and take it up and run to them..." Little Sachiko said and Miyuki just smiled and said...
"You are a really sweet girl you know? From now on if you have a problem just say to me and i'll help you as much as i can!" Miyuki said and pat little Sachiko's head.
But there was another little girl in the other side of the school... Her name is "Sonoda Omi" a Little girl who is one of the new students in song and have Yutaka Yui as her Senpai. At first the school wouldn't take her because she is a weak child... She could be easly sick and had sometimes problem with how to breath... But she have the motto " Live for today and tomorrow! Smile away the pain and fight to your death!" and she want to enjoy the things she loves the most...
*The staff room*
"Eee-eeh~ Sonoda Omi? It stands on here that she had weak heart since she was born and actually shouldn't even survive... Why is she in the list?" Hirahara Kumiko-sensei said and looked worried
"She said she wanted "I want to do my best with the last years i have in my life! So please let me... At least try?" Then she began to sing and well... We got suprised how good she sings" Kouyou Kiyoshi-sensei said and smiled.
"She really don't want to waste time on this earth right? I think she will go far..." Kumiko-sensei said and looked at Kiyoshi-sensei
"Yeah! I'm quite sure she will be able to be one of the best in this school... If she just can be a beautiful flower..." Kiyoshi-sensei said and looked out the window... The cherry blossom falled down on the ground but got picked up by the wind a flew away...
"If she? I'm sure she can do it... I have the feeling that she can do it... But for me the question is... How much time does she have? And what she gonna do with it?" Kumiko-sensei said and drank alittle bit of her coffee and sigh.
*With Yutaka Yui*
"The white ball at rest, The petals which have been scattered by the wind, The invisible river which carries both, Singing while flowing on..." Sonoda Omi stopped and everyone was clapping...
"Wooow~ That Awsome you voice is so sweet!" Yutaka Yui and other song students said and gave her a hug
"Thank you... I just really love this song... I feel so warm and happy when i listening or sing it... " Little Omi said and blushed all red
"Ummm... Oii... Yui-san can you come here for a second please?" There he was one of the most hottes and greates singer in the school and yes of cours he is one of the few guys who sings while others play bass or guitar.
"Eeeee-eeeh~ Yeah sure" Yui walked over to Sakai Shin
"It's about Sonoda Omi right? I know if it is about that... I gonna take really good care of her!" Yui said and was going to turn away and walk to the others again when shin grabbed her hand and said.
"That is not all... I just wanted to ask you... Will you go out with me?" Shin looked down and Yui made a sad face and said
" You don't know right? That i like girls... I'm lesbian... I'm tired of guys now... I'm done... I'm sorry i know you are a good guy... But now i have someone who i really like, I don't want to hurt you..." Yui walked away and Shin just breaked into pisces.
"Why? WHY DON'T YOU LIKE ME?!?!" Shin screamed out and everyone turned around to look what was happening
"Sakai-san Please-" Yui got cutted off by Shin when he screamed once again
Everyone was in silence the air changed and everything went uncomfortable...
" Because i already have someone who owns my heart... I can't go love others when i have someone i truly love... I know one day... You'll be able to find the one who loves you because WHO you are and not WHAT you are but maybe now it isn't time for you yet... But now please calm down you are scearing the new students..." Yui said and started to walk away...
Sakai shin stood there speechless... He couldn't do anything...
*Shirakawa Akane's pov*
"This four years with you will end soon... Why? Why do you need to be so foolish? Why can't you see how i really do feel? I wonder if you one day will understand and accept it... I don't care of anyone else in this world if you just can accept me... Please stop beging so foolish...." I thought to myself when i heard a voice say
" Dreams always seem far away they feel out of your reach pick up one of the stones at your feet and throw it with all your might! Do you like this song Anne-chan? I really really like Akb48s songs~ and River the most~"Ayaka Midori said and looked at me.
"Why this girl of all the girl in the world? She is really something strange in a bad way... She is always using her moms name when she want something and can't get it. Before she even tried to have... oh no... I'm not going to think more about that... That's disgusting... Even i like girls but her... no thank you... For 100000000 or how much money she will give me... No thank you... I've been lying that i have a boyfriend but she said "I don't believe you! You don't have a boyfriend or neither had one! don't lie to me!" I thought...
" Well... Hmmm... Akb48? yeah i like them but-" I got cuted off by her again!
"Oh~We like the same things~! We are like made for each other! I've got a beautiful voice and you are a TALENT in playing piano~ I want us sometimes to collabe together! Can we?" She said and smiled at me with her smile which tells that she wants to say "If you say no you really have trouble!"
" I like Akb48 BUT it's still not my style... I would like to play songs from Hayao Miyazaki like inochi no namea or something lik-" I got cuted again!! What's with this girl!?!?
" I can sing it! Even i haven't heard it but i can sing it i'm really sure!" She yelled out and the whole class turned around and looked at us and then turned around and whispered like "oh she can't even sing (Which is true) and she says she can" and etc.
"I don't think you will be able to sing it~ Not rude or mean or anything but this song is with alot of understanding and it is hard so no thank you... I would like to have someone in my level-" Cutted off again!
"In your level?! You think i'm not good enough for you?!? What do you mean with that?! I got talent of singing! What is your level then?!"
"I don't want a Kohai to collabe with me-"
"Suzuki Ruka is an 2nd years students why could she sing with you?! I'm just one year younger then you! Why can't you understand that?!? I'm the one who desreves you! I'm the one who should own you heart!! Why can't you understand a thing?!? Baka Anne-chan"
"Ee-eeh? Why... Why did you slap me in the face?!?"
"First of Midori Ayaka My name is NOT Anne I don't like that name... I think it doesn't suit me and as far as i know you are my Kohai no matter what, you should show me some respect and use my last name or real name and end it with Senpai not chan, I'm your Senpai and you can't just come in here and then scream and say you want that and bla bla bla... You can sing but you are just like a normal person not good but not bad."
"You hate me dont yo-"
"Stop yelling! If i hate you then it is because you alwaya cutting me off! I have never end a word since the first time i talked to you untill now~ and! Love! you can't say you own someones heart! even if we get together you'll just own my body but heart? No! Why can't you understand that?! how foolish can you be?!"
Midori Ayaka got shocked and started to cry
I didn't want to make her cry but she cried and ran out...
"Wasn't you to hard to her? Akane-chan?" The girl from back then... Sonoda Omi
"Omi-chan,,, I don't know... how about you? Don't push yourself to far... Okay?"
"Haha! Akane-chan no i won't, I'll just do as much as i can!" Omi said and smiled to me her fake smile...
"Omi.... I really mean it... Don't push yourself to far..." I looked deep in Omi's eyes but she avoid me...
"I know, I know..." Omi said and walked away out of the classroom...
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Shirakawa Akane |
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Nimura Kisaki |
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Takashima Sachiko |
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Misaki Sakura |
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