One Summer's day: 2
// Mom
Why do you care?
* Nimura Kisaki's pov*
I walked along the way to home after the concert... When i stoped at the park... I heard someone cry and wonder who it is.
I walked in to the park and saw a girl sitting there all alone crying... I don't know why but... I walked over to her and gave her my tissue and asked
"Are you okay?" She looked up and i realise it was Misaki Sakura...
"Why do you care?" she said and looked at me with a weird look
"I don't know but.. Here... Take this and wipe away your tears... you look awful now you know that?" I said and we started to laugh...
"You've got a beautiful smile you know that Misaki-san? You should smile more" I said when Sakura took the tissue that i just gave to her
"Really? But anyway's.... Why are you still kind to me when i was rude to you earlier this day?" Sakura asked me and i looked up to the blue sky
"Well... My mom told me once... "Just because the person is rude or mean doesn't mean everytime that they are bad... Some may do it because they are sceard... Sceard for reality..." So i thought you was maybe sceard that i would take all the attention from you..."
The cloud started to look grey... the sky started to be black...
"Oh... I-I-I Wasn't sceard about that you would take away all the attention from me! I-i-i-i just... just..." and her voices faded away...
"You just?... You don't need to say anything now... But why are you sitting here all alone and crying?"
She looked at me and smiled
" Because... There was one person who said to me... "I want you to... Chose your own path... Can you do that? not for me... But for you! So you'll never regret something..." she knew the answer is "no" still she ask me... "
Sakura looked down
I looked at her then smiled and said
"But isn't it true? To chose your own path? and go that way? But at least... If it is a wrong way to chose... like killing, taking drugs and so on... Then don't chose that way from the beginging... But well... In our life we can still change our life to soemthing better... " She looked at me and punshed me playful and said
"I'm not going on drugs your fool!"
"And i haven't said that either!" We both started to laugh again... but the silence came back again...
" But you know... That in our life... there is one time when someone just came in and change everything... In what way i don't know... But... When you make a desicion... After that... don't regret about it... Just make the good of the desicion" I said and the rain started to fall down on the ground slowly...
"Oii... It starts to rain... Come let's go home!" I said and took Sakuras hand and she took mine and we started to walk away...
"My way home is the oppsite way... Nimura-kun..." Sakura said to me... and i laughed
"Ooo-ooh! Really?! Sorry for taking you the wrong way!!" I said and bowed...
"Haha! No it's okay! Thank you for today and sorry for what i've said to you today... and thanks for the tissue... I'll get a new one for you!" Sakura said and smiled to me.
"No! It's okay! and about playing piano... I know i did some mistake... But i did all my best that is why i was proud that for once i did something with all my heart and soul! and the tiseu it is okay! I've got more back home!"
"Oh! Okay... But anyways! Thank you very much!" Sakura said to me and started to walk away... I turned around and looked at the road and turned back and said
"What school are you in now?!" I yelled to Sakura who turned her back and anwser
" Hana Mori Girls only school at Shinjuku! How about you?" She waved to me and smiled
" Sakura saki High school at Shibuya~!" I said and waved back to her. She turned around and started to walk away... I turned around again and the traffic light turned green and started to cross the street with other millions peoples...
"Hana Mori Girls Only school... at Shinjuku?... Wooow~ She've got to be rich to go at a private girl's only school... " I said while i ran home. The rain started to fall more and the weather looked really bad.
I enter the door to the little dark apartment...
"I'm home...."
But there is no one to come back home too... There is no one who will answer me with a smile and say "Welcome home Kisaki-chan! How was your day? Are you hungry?" And i'll answer back "My day was great! And i'm soo soo hungry! what for dinner?"... But there is no one for me to say like that and answer me like that... I'm going to sleep awhile before i go to my part time job...
*Misaki Sakura's pov*
... Nimura-kun... Why are you so kind? Please don't be kind to me... I'll just lose you too... as i lost my other friend's... Don't be this kind to me.. please...
"I'm home..."
"Welcome home Sakura-san! How was your day? and Mrs.Misaki-san wants to talk to you!"
"I don't feel like talking to that bitch..."
I HATE when the maid is standing there and saying "Welcome home!" with a fake smile on there face!
I don't want someone to say welcome home to me! If they don't mean it! then i don't want to!! And what does that bitch want from me again?! What does she want now?! Me to be the "Perfect child"?!? I've done everything she wanted... Just because i love my mom.... But why... It is better if she just go kill herself!
I ran up the stares and in to my room when i saw Yumeko sit on my bed.
"What do you want?!?" I yelled at her
"I'm your mom show some respect!" She replied that simpel?!? She've got to kidding with me!?
"And?! What do you want form me!? Why are you here?!?" Now she better reply better then what she did before!
"You'll need to move out for awhile... Can you take car of yourself? I've already got a place for you to live in! It is near to Shinjuku so you'll be alright with the school... and about food and stuff like that.. I'll send you money at the begining and end of the month... " I stood there shocked did she say.... I gonna move out?!?
"Why most i move out?!?!!? What have i done?!?!?" I screamed at her and began to cry....
"Don't cry dear... Your stepfather is coming home and-" I cutted her off
"Because you love your new man more then dad?!? Why aren't you sad!? It had just past 1 years since dad died and you already are married! and what?!? yeah sure I'll move out! I'm big enough to take care of myslef yeah! good!"
I ran out of the room and the house... I didn't know what i should do... Why don't she care about me anymore?! What have happend to her?!
I didn't know where i should go... I've run in 3 hours now... it starts to get dark... and
"How the Hell did i end up at Kabuki-cho?!?!" I screamed out and some hostess started to laugh abit...
"Eeee-eeeh~ What do a little Hana Mori girl do here at shinjuku?" A drunk man said...
"Oiii~you guys don't you see that the girl is sceard?! Back off!" a Long tall man said and smiled at me
"Oii~ Little Hana Mori girl are you okay?"
"I'm not little! I'm 17! and next, next month is my birthday so i'll be 18!" I looked at him angry and he just laughed...
"Ahahahaaa~ Sorry sorry! I forgot! Hana Mori girls only school is a High school! Sorry! But what are you doing here are alone?" The guy who is taller then me... I guess he is a host... So he better not say "come to my club where i work!"
"It's okay... And... I'm just walking around... You are a host right?" I asked him and he laughed
"Ok! Walking around sounds weird! and yes i am a host! and no! I won't say come to my club because i still think you are to young! and you are young! So don't get sceard! Oh and by the way I'm Misaki!" He said and did a quick bow
"Oh! Did you read my mind? Misaki? My last name is Misaki... Nice to meet you! But what is your real name?" He laughed
"NO! But the face you did told me everything! So your name is Misaki Sakura right? Nice name! My real name? You know the rules for host and hostess right? Not to tell your real name so i'm not gonna tell!" he punshed me a softly punsh
"Eeee-eeeh?!? What are you doing here Sakura-chan?!" A girl in maid dress came to me and asked.. Isn't it..
"Nimura-kun?!?! Why are you here? and wearing a maid dress?!?"
"Aaaa-aaah~ Saki-chan! You know her?" The host said and hugged Nimura-kun tight
"She is a friend from the music academy i are attending now!" Nimura-kun said and smiled at me.
"Yeah.. But do you two know each other?" I asked while the host gave Nimura-kun a quick kiss on her cheek and Nimura-kun got all red... I don't know why but i got jealous at the host... and then the host waved to me and said bye to both of us.
"He is one of my friend since i was a child! still he is my senior... or he was my senior! but what are you doing here?" I looked down and said
"My mom doesn't love me... She love her new husband more then me... She wanted me to move out.. she have place for me to live! It is somewhere near my school..."
"Eeee-eeh?! No way! Every parent's love there child! and no matter what she is still your mom! Where are you going now then? Have you a place to sleep tonight?" Nimura-kun... Don't touch me... Please!! I don't know why my heart beat this fast when you touch me!
"I don't know..." I answer her and looked down...
"09:30 pm..." she said and looked at me
"09:30pm is when i end my job... can you wait in 45 minutes? then you can sleep over at my place! If you don't mind of cours!" Nimura-kun smiled at me...
"Yeah! i can wait! I don't mind! but it is okay with your parents?"
When i said "Parents" Nimura-kun looked so sad...
"My mom and dad died in an car accident three years ago... So i don't have someone at my home... My aunt live in Osaka but yet sometimes she comes to tokyo to visit me and see if i'm fine..."
"Oo-ooh... I'm sorry for asking... and that is sad... So you live all alone now?"
"Before i had one person who lived with me... But now he is to busy to come home... to be with me... to care about me... So now i live all alone..."
If anyone could see her face now... they should understand that she is really sad...
"But well! I better go to my job now! See ya later!" and then i just looked at Nimura-kuns back fade away slowly at this one moment... I thought "It isn't only me who have been throw pain... Everyone have... and Nimura-kun got it more then me... but she still can laugh and have fun... But i guess deep in her heart she is crying... Even she wasn't the best at playing piano... she was loved all the time by others around her..."
*Misaki Yumeko's pov*
"Oooo-oooh~ Where is Sakura?! Go find her!!"
"Yes Miskai-san!"
Why don't she understand that i want to protect her from my new husband?! I love her more then my own life! I did anything to give her the best life! so she would not need to have a hard life!
Why don't she understand?!? I'm her mom... Of cours i gonna love her... She is everything for me... But you know... You and me are the same... We don't like to show how we really do feel... Not that i don't feel sad... The feeling i have is like i've been in hell...
I love you and always gonna love you Sakura-chan... Love you from Momi! <3
" Hana Mori Girls only school at Shinjuku! How about you?" She waved to me and smiled
" Sakura saki High school at Shibuya~!" I said and waved back to her. She turned around and started to walk away... I turned around again and the traffic light turned green and started to cross the street with other millions peoples...
"Hana Mori Girls Only school... at Shinjuku?... Wooow~ She've got to be rich to go at a private girl's only school... " I said while i ran home. The rain started to fall more and the weather looked really bad.
I enter the door to the little dark apartment...
"I'm home...."
But there is no one to come back home too... There is no one who will answer me with a smile and say "Welcome home Kisaki-chan! How was your day? Are you hungry?" And i'll answer back "My day was great! And i'm soo soo hungry! what for dinner?"... But there is no one for me to say like that and answer me like that... I'm going to sleep awhile before i go to my part time job...
*Misaki Sakura's pov*
... Nimura-kun... Why are you so kind? Please don't be kind to me... I'll just lose you too... as i lost my other friend's... Don't be this kind to me.. please...
"I'm home..."
"Welcome home Sakura-san! How was your day? and Mrs.Misaki-san wants to talk to you!"
"I don't feel like talking to that bitch..."
I HATE when the maid is standing there and saying "Welcome home!" with a fake smile on there face!
I don't want someone to say welcome home to me! If they don't mean it! then i don't want to!! And what does that bitch want from me again?! What does she want now?! Me to be the "Perfect child"?!? I've done everything she wanted... Just because i love my mom.... But why... It is better if she just go kill herself!
I ran up the stares and in to my room when i saw Yumeko sit on my bed.
"What do you want?!?" I yelled at her
"I'm your mom show some respect!" She replied that simpel?!? She've got to kidding with me!?
"And?! What do you want form me!? Why are you here?!?" Now she better reply better then what she did before!
"You'll need to move out for awhile... Can you take car of yourself? I've already got a place for you to live in! It is near to Shinjuku so you'll be alright with the school... and about food and stuff like that.. I'll send you money at the begining and end of the month... " I stood there shocked did she say.... I gonna move out?!?
"Why most i move out?!?!!? What have i done?!?!?" I screamed at her and began to cry....
"Don't cry dear... Your stepfather is coming home and-" I cutted her off
"Because you love your new man more then dad?!? Why aren't you sad!? It had just past 1 years since dad died and you already are married! and what?!? yeah sure I'll move out! I'm big enough to take care of myslef yeah! good!"
I ran out of the room and the house... I didn't know what i should do... Why don't she care about me anymore?! What have happend to her?!
I didn't know where i should go... I've run in 3 hours now... it starts to get dark... and
"How the Hell did i end up at Kabuki-cho?!?!" I screamed out and some hostess started to laugh abit...
"Eeee-eeeh~ What do a little Hana Mori girl do here at shinjuku?" A drunk man said...
"Oiii~you guys don't you see that the girl is sceard?! Back off!" a Long tall man said and smiled at me
"Oii~ Little Hana Mori girl are you okay?"
"I'm not little! I'm 17! and next, next month is my birthday so i'll be 18!" I looked at him angry and he just laughed...
"Ahahahaaa~ Sorry sorry! I forgot! Hana Mori girls only school is a High school! Sorry! But what are you doing here are alone?" The guy who is taller then me... I guess he is a host... So he better not say "come to my club where i work!"
"It's okay... And... I'm just walking around... You are a host right?" I asked him and he laughed
"Ok! Walking around sounds weird! and yes i am a host! and no! I won't say come to my club because i still think you are to young! and you are young! So don't get sceard! Oh and by the way I'm Misaki!" He said and did a quick bow
"Oh! Did you read my mind? Misaki? My last name is Misaki... Nice to meet you! But what is your real name?" He laughed
"NO! But the face you did told me everything! So your name is Misaki Sakura right? Nice name! My real name? You know the rules for host and hostess right? Not to tell your real name so i'm not gonna tell!" he punshed me a softly punsh
"Eeee-eeeh?!? What are you doing here Sakura-chan?!" A girl in maid dress came to me and asked.. Isn't it..
"Nimura-kun?!?! Why are you here? and wearing a maid dress?!?"
"Aaaa-aaah~ Saki-chan! You know her?" The host said and hugged Nimura-kun tight
"She is a friend from the music academy i are attending now!" Nimura-kun said and smiled at me.
"Yeah.. But do you two know each other?" I asked while the host gave Nimura-kun a quick kiss on her cheek and Nimura-kun got all red... I don't know why but i got jealous at the host... and then the host waved to me and said bye to both of us.
"He is one of my friend since i was a child! still he is my senior... or he was my senior! but what are you doing here?" I looked down and said
"My mom doesn't love me... She love her new husband more then me... She wanted me to move out.. she have place for me to live! It is somewhere near my school..."
"Eeee-eeh?! No way! Every parent's love there child! and no matter what she is still your mom! Where are you going now then? Have you a place to sleep tonight?" Nimura-kun... Don't touch me... Please!! I don't know why my heart beat this fast when you touch me!
"I don't know..." I answer her and looked down...
"09:30 pm..." she said and looked at me
"09:30pm is when i end my job... can you wait in 45 minutes? then you can sleep over at my place! If you don't mind of cours!" Nimura-kun smiled at me...
"Yeah! i can wait! I don't mind! but it is okay with your parents?"
When i said "Parents" Nimura-kun looked so sad...
"My mom and dad died in an car accident three years ago... So i don't have someone at my home... My aunt live in Osaka but yet sometimes she comes to tokyo to visit me and see if i'm fine..."
"Oo-ooh... I'm sorry for asking... and that is sad... So you live all alone now?"
"Before i had one person who lived with me... But now he is to busy to come home... to be with me... to care about me... So now i live all alone..."
If anyone could see her face now... they should understand that she is really sad...
"But well! I better go to my job now! See ya later!" and then i just looked at Nimura-kuns back fade away slowly at this one moment... I thought "It isn't only me who have been throw pain... Everyone have... and Nimura-kun got it more then me... but she still can laugh and have fun... But i guess deep in her heart she is crying... Even she wasn't the best at playing piano... she was loved all the time by others around her..."
*Misaki Yumeko's pov*
"Oooo-oooh~ Where is Sakura?! Go find her!!"
"Yes Miskai-san!"
Why don't she understand that i want to protect her from my new husband?! I love her more then my own life! I did anything to give her the best life! so she would not need to have a hard life!
Why don't she understand?!? I'm her mom... Of cours i gonna love her... She is everything for me... But you know... You and me are the same... We don't like to show how we really do feel... Not that i don't feel sad... The feeling i have is like i've been in hell...
I love you and always gonna love you Sakura-chan... Love you from Momi! <3
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Misaki Sakura |
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Misaki Yumeko |