One Summer's day: 1 piano music started to play loudly in the music hall...
"One summer's day when we first met... Do you remember? Sakura? When we first met? I tought you where someone, someone like me never could reach. Someone like you only looked down at someone like me...
Someone I never thought would even care about me... Nee Sakura-chan... Do you know? that I love you <3 "
When we first met...
*Nimura Kisaki's pov~*The piano music started to play loud in the music hall...This was my first time in my life that i was going to play at a piano concert... I was always the one who never would be choosed to play at a concert to the music school I'm playing in now.
"There is no reason for someone like you to play at this kind of concert! You'll better train 10 times better then what you do now!" My whole world broke into pieces... My dream got destroyd... My life went dark just because of those word's... Isn't it funny how one persons word could change your whole life?
Thinking back about that... It make's me laugh... Ridiculous isn't it? To listening to someone who dosen't mean anything to you.
"Next person who'll play is Nimura Kisaki, Third year's student with the song "One Summer's day" composer Joe Hisaishi!" and from the backstage i heard nothing but silence... Other third years student had already played here before maybe one or 6 time's... But i've never played here before... I tought "Now it is my time to shine!" I walked up on the stage and sat down infront of the piano.
It was silence for a few second's... Then i started to play... Slowly... Slowly... Started to play... After those word it had been over 1 year now. In one year, I've grown up more then when i was at that time.
I played more louder and louder... and played how i felt... and how much i've trained the last years that have passed... Those years isn't worthless or anything...
Those year was beauituful...When i was done everyone was clapping to me and said i had improved myslef after this three year's at this accademy.
But then... You came in... and said to me...
"So pathetic you are! You made alot of mistake in the song! Still you are proud because of it?!"
You the one who didn't know how hard I tried to do my best, The one who didn't understand me who is a third year student but never did get the chance to stand on the stage, The one who didn't know that i've lost my 3 year's and only have one year left to show what i can do.
"Oii~ Sakura-chan! Even Kisaki-kun did made some mistake dosen't mean you can just go and say like that!"
Fourth year's student Shirakawa Akane-senpai... She is one of the most best person in this earth that i know! She is awsome at playing piano... Still she have her dark little secret... When i first met Akane-senpai... I showed how easy pushed down i was, I never really did understand something back then... But nowdays... I always look at Akane-senpai... and she understand what i am telling her from my eyes... "If you need a shoulder Akane-senpai... I'll be there for you!"
"But!-" The girl who named Sakura got cutted off by her own teacher Sora-sensei. An Actually fun and weird teacher.
"Sakura-chan! Don't think that you are the best and you can say whatever you want to other people!" Sora-sensei said while smiling.
Sakura turned back and ran away from everyone. I tought... "Now i've got someone who hates me... Great!"
*Misaki Sakura's pov*
" Aaaaaaa~~ I want to scream out! What is the problem of people nowdays!? Why are that shit loved by everyone?!? At least all of the student here! Aaaaa~!"
"Because she is a nice person! She try very much at playing piano, which made everyone support her... And who ever want some help in one or two ways... She is always there to help people... Unlike you who are talanted, rich, young and selfish. Everyone admirs you... But no one likes you! I've got to agree that sometimes you are really playing on my nervs!"
"Sachiko-senpai? Do you really mean that?!" I looked at Sachiko-senpai who just smiled at me.
"Yeah I really mean that! But you know... Sakura-chan... When i first met you.. You was all cold and private to everything and everyone... So at that time i tought like " Damn! Hopefully I won't be this cold girl's Senpai!" But then when the prinicpal said "Takashima Sachiko-san you'll be Misaki Sakura-san senpai! Take care of her from now on!!"you looked at me cold as i tought you would look at me... and you know what?... when i first heard you play piano... I got amazed how you moved your fingers so grateful... It looked like you where a pro... But unlike other's senpais and Kohai... We both where diffrent from other's.. because you never let me in and you never wanted help from me in any way... You played and learned piano all alone...You just let me watch..."
"S-sachiko... senpai?" I Looked at Sachiko-senpai and saw some tears falling down slowly from her eye down to her cheek...
"But you know what?... For me... When i knew i would be someone's senpai... I was happy... Even tought it was you! I as thinking that we should have some fun together at least! I wanted you to at least sometimes go ask me... Whatever you wanted! It don't need to be about piano... Just whatever you wanted to ask... Everything would be fine if you just asked me... just something... for once... and when you let me in... I was so so happy... That no words in this world could ever never describe how happy i was... But unlike Akane and Kisaki who just had all fun... Even sometime's they get annyoing... but... From the first... Both of them was loved by every student one here.... " Sachiko-senpai started to cry harder and I could just watch her...
"Ooo-ooh... I'm Sorry Sachiko-senpai... I haven't done something to you at all... and this is your last year here... " For the first time in my life i really said something i really do mean...
" Oh! no it's okay! I'm just happy to see you play piano... But before i graduate... Could you do one thing for me?... Sakura?"
For the first time in my life... This is the first time in my life that Sachiko-senpai asked me to do anything for just HER and ONLY her.
"Yeah! Sure! I'll try to do my best S-sachiko-senpai!"
"Eee-eh?! Why are you crying?!? Did i say something wrong?!"
"N-n-no! It is just! Now... When i saw you cry! I understand how much pain and loneliness i've gave you! So now i want to try my best for you! Sachiko-senpaiiii~~" Sachiko-senpai was holding my hand and i hugged it so thightly as i can...
"I want you to... Chose your own path... Can you do that? not for me... But for you! So you'll never regret something... Can you?" Sachiko-senpai looked at me.. and she wasn't joking about that...
"No.. No! I can't! You know that why do you still ask?! I hate you!" I ran away from the music hall and i know every step that i am taking now... I'll regret them ALL... Because everything that Sachiko-senpai said was ALL true.. I follow my parents... But never followed my heart... I'm runing away from someone that is caring about me more then i care about myself!...
*Takashima Sachiko's pov*
"Oooo-ooh!! What have i done again?!? Why did i ask like that when i knew she would get mad at me?! Aaaa-aah~ Why am i so stupid?!"
"Because you are Takashima Sachiko the person who never understand what other people thinks and feel! "
"A-Akane-chan?" I turned around and saw Akane come close to me... and hugged me thightly... I felt really really like a child who just lost her favorite doll somewhere and can't find it... I started to cry even harder when Akane pulled me back softly and said
" Nee... Hiko-chan! You may hurt Sakura-chan but don't you think now she will understand... Just abit more? Even in some cases where the person don't understand each other's feelings still can't understand each other?
There is somewhere in her life that she will find the answer to herself... What she want, What she need's and what she still gonna learn from others... Right? So i guess you opend up her eye's even a little bit!..."
"Akane... Why did you get Kisaki and not Sakura? You're both great at piano... You can't fool me! I know the teacher wanted you and Sakura me and Kisaki! I've heard everything after that day! Why?" I looked at Akane who looked away and smiled.
"Because... She is like me before... Closed everything and everybody from me... I didn't let someone in... and i knew if i was with her she would never open up... But i was thinking... If you could open me up.. Then why can't you open Sakura-chan up to? "
"Isn't what you do unfair to Kisaki? " Akane just laughed at my comment and said
"She is special in her own way... Kisaki... She have something that most people here doesn't have... But i can't put a finger on what...
But you know... Hiko-chan... Before we graduate next year... I'll let you know one thing i wanted to tell you half of the time we have known each other... "
"Ooo-oh! Okay! But I think Kisaki is a really... Really... I don't know what to say about her either... And what do you want to tell me?? Can't i know it now?"
"Haha! Yeah! I know! She is... Ugh... I don't know what to say about her! And i won't tell you... yet...
But anyways! What university will you attend? Me myself is thinking about Tokai... My currently school say if i work more harder I'll past the entrance test quite well... What about you? Hiko-chan?"
"Oh! if you don't want to tell me now... Then okay... Todai? Everyone else here is all thinking about you go to SeiRai, because you have such a talent... I was thinking about Tomo Gakusen... But i don't know if i'm going to past the entrance... Why do you want to go to Tokai? Akane?"
"Because... This is the path that i've chosed... Why i learned to play piano was because i thought it sounds so beautiful yet i still think so... But... To be famous because of playing piano... Isn't really my dream.. To just play piano is fun...
That is why i wanted you to have Sakura-chan as Kohai... I wanted you to learn her how to chose your own path... and i still believe you can do it! "
"A-akane..." I couldn't talk anymore... Akane stood up and started to walk away... as i was sitting there and couldn't do anything...
I walked up to the piano and started to play on it... "It's only a fairytale" There was once before that I've been chosed to play this song while one of the song students was singing it... Everyone thought it was such a beautiful harmony... But we two understood that we failed... About the meaning of this song... Even thought we said "thank you" to everyone... That girl always smiled... But now she haven't smile at all... Everyone is expecting much from her as much as everyone is too Akane about her playing piano... Both of them have been on stage together...
Why am i such and loser?
End of chapter 1 of "One summer's day" When we first met
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Shirakawa Akane Fourth and last year's student |
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Takashima Sachiko Fourth and last year's student |
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Misaki Sakura third year's student |
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Nimura Kisaki third year's student |
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