"The blowing day...
The truth inside...
The shameful moments...
The darkness time...
To the brightest moment...
To a life in the future...
To the big black sky...
Were all our path's meet...
Will we become happy?
To the end i'll sing this lullaby...
What kind of person can take me back to heaven?
My life long time...
Me the only who knows...
Me the only one who understand...
Me the angel who has fallen from heaven...
Me the angel who never will be loved...
Me the one who knows the song of peoples heart...
Me the one who know's how to make it up when the person forget the song...
Me who wanted to hold hand in hand's together happily...
Me the star that doesn't shine anymore...
I have one memory now..."
Akira sang out infront of everyone... Byou just grined and hugged Akira slightly... and sang...
"I'm the one... Who will take your heart... and make it beat like the birds wings fly up to the sky... I'm the one who will wipe away your tear from you eye's...
愛している!..." He kissed her forehead gently...
It was like that for a while, the atmophere when Byou hugged Akira was both sad and a touch of love, hope and silence
"W-w-w-why are... you so... warming?..." Akira said looked up to face Byou who smiled a very sweet smile...
"Because... Your like someone from my past... I know i dont like you or something... i just want to hold you for awhile... would you mine? Akiko?" Byou said...
Everyone looked at each other... they reacted at when he said "Akiko"
"A-Akiko?... You mean Akiko Mori?... I do know a person whom her name is like that..." Akira said looked down on her shoes...
"You know?... She did go to the Usa?... she got married?... right?... does she have kids?..." Byou asked looking down too...
"Yeah... One 7 years old boy and 2 twins... all two is girls..." Akira said looking up in the air...
Byou took her hand and held it up...
"I love you, As the Bird fly up to the blue big sky!..." Akira sang and smiled
"Thank you! Like a shining star!... I'll shine like you..." Byou sang after her...
A cold breeze came with the warm weather... it make such a harmony...
"A future we'd creat together! I'll watch over you eternally!..."They both sang together... Akira's clean and big voice and Byou's dark voice together... it sounds so beautiful......
" I Have one memory now..." they finished the song... Everyone around them got shocked... the silence came slowly in and layed down for awhile...
"Wooow!! I never did really know my Sis could sing!!" Ruki said walking toward to Akira
"Eh?? I was the one who sang lullaby to you!!" Akira said punshed Ruki playful...