When this feelings start to fade away step by step it's only you i want to be by my side forever i will always sing this song even if it means my voice is going to die away!...
There is only one thing i want before you want me to go...Close your eyes...Can i kiss you?
If i just can stay with you forever...There is nothing else i want...Why can't you see that i love you?
Our past is just like a game of life! I guess my first life was boring, my second life was a drummer in a band, my third life was a millioner.
Why do our life play with us like this? I always thouth life was something everyone love...But after i saw you hurt yourselfe like that it was like the whole world end....
Would you forgive me if i help you once again? This tears are nothing i want to see from you!
When i first though it was just a joke that you is the one that hate me...But my eyes get open again i see how much you use me...It is to late to leave you here in this dark way?
No Thank you! I don't need you anymore i just want to be with my own you don't even know the word love is!! How can you call me "Dear" When you just really hate me with all your heart? This is not the way i want! I still want to be alive when your gone from my life!!!
This is what that called love? I don't like it at all!! Why do we have so much pain in this world?
When the spring start i still feel your heartbeat. I know you will soon come and beg me on my foot. Are you out of your minds boy?
I will always follow my unchangeing dream. Untill the world ends i will always want to dream how hard it is to come to my dream i will fight! Because i can't regeret something anymore. I've choose this path so this paths is only my future not my past! I will live today! I will always live in the present. Not looking back to the past and regeret someting! Just loooking forward to the future!!
But after a while i see you come near me again! This phonixe in my heart spred there wings and shine in the sun! Beatuful as i never thought!! Golden phoneix is my dream now untill forever! Now i want to live untill the day i can't dream anymore!
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