
To much Facebook XP

Yo Yo Yo~~what's up what's up?
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I have bean gone in a few days because  of facebook XP  and i have been a bit sick XP that's sucks a lot XP But i have been a bit better this day but still sick XP i have sleep a lot but when my mom came home she get really mad that i didn't close the computer and was inloggend on facebook and she said "Intira!!! Why are u don't close the computer?!?!" me " Because i am lazy..." then my mom look at me like * If u don't move your ass now i can say u can't play computer untill you have your next summer XP* and i like jumped of frome the bed and run logged out frome facebook and close the computer becaouse i now if my mom say somethink she goona do that and when she get mad see don't goona say somethink she like just goona star at the person or somethink in that way, and when shes voice is cold that means she are angry to and don't look at you when she talk XP my mom is not so funny to joke whit. XP
OH!! and the reason why i came out of from bed it's becaouse Facebook want to see if it is someone there that will chatt whit me^^ but just 3 person want XP but that it funny ^^ and if you really like my blog follow it or add me on facebook ^^ *Big dog eyes* haha just kidding hope you like my joke^^ 
Ahah!!! NO!!!! 22 aug  the school is starting again Mwahahaha!! I'm out of hell now :) For someone else maybe school it's hell but for me it's the earth not heaven haha^^ but but...i can come out opf my problems that the good think in school ^^ but everythink have a dark and a light sid  but i don't wannt to tell you what the dark sid is XP 
OH! i haven't write about Anime or manga at all haha... forgette like the same when i was in thailand last time i forgett my phone in the taxi but lucky that the driver saw i dropped it and said " Hey you , you dropped your phone" and give it to me^^ really kind and have really big eyes that saw it^^ well well well.....back to bussines^^ 
EHH!! WHY!!!! i haven't see a anime at all this year!! OMFG!!! what have happed to me maybe to much facebook and i think it's becaouse the computer don't have hmmm....whats the name again hmmm...let me think for a while.................3 hours later hmmmmm...............5 hours later hmmmmmmmm............a day later hmmmmmm...........YAY!!! Now i remember i don't now what the heck it is^^HAHA i am soooo funny!!! or are i not Phuu...i think i have to movies that i like now....Nummber six by Alice nine and An cafe movie.....YAY!! i got an idee i think i goona put this two in my blog then let u guys vote^^ yeah pleas vote and this is a pic of alice nine two pic of everyone in Alice nine next time it is An cafe^^


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